The CBC continues to operate in a wasteful, bias manner serving the socialist left wing mandate only while continuing to lose viewers and advertising revenues. Scandals continue. An unsettling, ugly anti Semitic movement has grown in the CBC News operation, history experts will know that this troubling bias can have devastating results for our country. Act now- contact your MP, the PMO and the CBC to stop this frightening socialist anti Semitic driven bias now.

Disgruntled CBC workers continue to confidentially share their stories with us, reports of management snooping, waste, huge salaries for select senior management, content bias, low employee morale continue in 2021 and we will expose these activities in our blog while protecting our whistleblower contacts. We take joy in knowing that the CBC-HQ visits us daily to spy on us, read our stories and to find out who owns our for the Canadian people blog.

One of our most popular posts continues to be the epic Dr. Leenen case against the Fifth Estate (the largest libel legal case ever awarded against the media in Canadian history) yet where no one at CBC was fired and taxpayers paid the huge award and legal costs for this blatant CBC Libel action. Writers and filmmakers -this is a Perfect story for an award winning Documentary -ok - who would fund it and where would it air since the CBC owns the Documentary channel! Can you help? Please contact us.

cbcExposed continues to enjoy substantial visitors coming from Universities and Colleges across Canada who use us for research in debates, exams, etc.

We ask students to please join with us in this mission; you have the power to make a difference! And so can private broadcasters who we know are hurting from the dwindling Advertising revenue pool and the CBC taking money from that pool while also unfairly getting massive Tax subsidies money. It's time to stop being silent and start speaking up Bell-CTV, Shaw-Global, Rogers, etc.

Our cbcExposed Twitter followers and visitors to cbcExposed continue to motivate us to expose CBC’s abuse and waste of tax money as well as exposing their ongoing left wing bully-like anti-sematic news bias. Polls meanwhile show that Canadians favour selling the wasteful government owned media giant and to put our tax money to better use for all Canadians. The Liberals privatized Petro Canada and Air Canada; it’s time for the Trudeau Liberals to privatize the CBC- certainly not give them more of our tax money-enough is enough!

The CBC network’s ratings continue to plummet while their costs and our taxpayer bailout subsidies continue to go up! In 2021 what case can be made for the Government to be in the broadcasting business, competing unfairly with the private sector? The CBC receives advertising and cable/satellite fees-fees greater than CTV and Global but this is not enough for the greedy CBC who also receive more than a billion dollars of your tax money every year. That’s about $100,000,000 (yes, $100 MILLION) of our taxes taken from your pay cheques every 30 days and with no CBC accountability to taxpayers.

Wake up! What does it take for real change at the CBC? YOU! Our blog contains a link to the Politicians contact info for you to make your voice heard. Act now and contact your MP, the Cabinet and Prime Minister ... tell them to stop wasting your money on a biased, failing media service, and ... sell the CBC.

CBC's plan backfired...big time ...

Last week, the CBC brought back an old war-horse named Mary Walsh to do a political attack on Toronto’s mayor, Rob Ford.

Walsh used to be on the CBC’s low-rating comedy show called This Hour has 22 Minutes. It used to be funny back when Rick Mercer was on it, but it’s had a tough time since then.

The CBC said goodbye to Walsh a long time ago, and she spends her time doing the left-wing political protest circuit now. But last week, for some reason, they flew her in from Newfoundland for one last mission: Take a run at Toronto Mayor Rob Ford.

Read the full story here.

Feathers ruffled at CBC ...

I seemed to have ruffled a few feathers with CBC brass.

Alan Thorgeirson, managing director of CBC, responded to a recent column of mine in which I argued more public information should be available. His defense of CBC actions was so inane it would be hilarious if it was not costing you and me $1.1 billion a year in subsidies to the Corporation.

Putting aside the fact that he distorted my statements, his defense confirmed, without doubt, my suggestion that "CBC portrays themselves as the intellectually elite, and, as such, sees themselves as above the public in general and their right to information. They simply, in their view, operate at a higher level that is beyond reproach."

Read the full story here.

Paying for the party – Strombo’s Party, your tab ...

We’ve got the details on what the state broadcaster wants to spend your money on and I have to tell you – you might be underwhelmed – really underwhelmed. And maybe annoyed.

Not only did this party cost more than CBC claims, it appears that, one of the main goals was to generate Twitter traffic about George Stroumboulopolous.

A party for the glory of Strombo, the CBC and his Twitter feed. You paid for. Most Canadians will not earn in a year what this party cost for one night of getting celebrities boozed up at the fanciest hotel in Canada.

Was it worth it for you?

Read the full story here.

Time To Privatize The CBC ...

This year is the 75th anniversary of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. The CBC’s budget is well over $1.5 billion with approximately $500 million coming from revenues. That means the taxpayers are providing the CBC with over $1 billion a year and after 75 years......well, you can do the math.

The Government of Canada should not be in the broadcasting business. In order to justify its support from the taxpayer, the CBC is mandated to provide a mixture of programming that caters to various small communities of Canadians and regions of the country. As a result, a lot of programming is neither cost effective nor of interest to the majority of Canadians. While the private sector would quickly rid themselves of programming liabilities, the CBC is faced with government agendas.

Read the full story here.

What not to fund: The CBC ...

In recent days and weeks, several Conservative MPs have presented petitions calling for an end to the $1.1-billion government subsidy of the CBC. I concur.

The fact is, Canada no longer needs a public broadcaster in the digital age. 

Government needs to get out of the business of broadcasting. They are bullying the private sector with their unfair subsidies, and the public they purport to serve won’t stand for it.

Read the full story here.

CBC funding debate ‘just heating up’ says Richards ...

Wild Rose MP Blake Richards is looking for the opinions of his constituents in regards to the festering debate over taxpayer funding to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).

Richards is asking people to visit his website and cast their vote as to whether the CBC should be required to disclose how the news organization spends the $1.1 billion appropriation they receive each year.

Read the full story here.

Scouts Canada unhappy with 'Fifth Estate' story, says lawsuit could be an option ...

Scouts Canada is keeping its options open when it comes to taking legal action against the CBC for a report alleging it kept a confidential list of suspected pedophiles within the organization.

Chief commissioner Steve Kent denied the allegation again Friday, saying the organization feels elements of The Fifth Estate report, which aired a few weeks ago, were misleading.

"The most unfortunate part is that some of the CBC coverage has left the impression that we’ve been hiding something," Kent said.

Read the full story here.

CBC's glitzy Strombo party cost $72,000 + ...

CBC paid more than one-and-a-half times the average income of a working Canadian for a one-night, celebrity-filled party last September.

Called the Hazelton Takeover, the event cost taxpayers more than $72,000, thousands more than CBC president Hubert Lacroix claimed when he appeared before a Commons committee.

The lavish event, held at "Canada's only 5 star hotel" in "the city's finest and most fashionable downtown district," brought CBC host George Stroumboulopoulos together with American and British celebrities during the Toronto International Film Festival.

Lacroix told MPs that the party cost $64,000, but a single invoice from Veritas Communications shows a charge of $72,372.

Other invoices, including one from the Hazelton Hotel, have had all the key information -- including charges -- removed.

Read the full story here.

PS - what do YOU think about this?

Why the CBC should be more like HBO ...

The problem the CBC faces is that whatever their motives might be, its antagonists are, on the whole, right (you should pardon the expression). They are right in terms of the immediate controversy, i.e., whether the corporation is obliged to comply with access to information requests, even from its competitors: clearly, under the law, it must. While the law makes exception for certain types of documents, it cannot be up to the CBC alone to decide which documents qualify for this exception, as a court has lately ruled.

Fast-forward five years from now, and it’s quite clear that television will no longer be delivered in the form of separate channels, each streaming a series of programs one after the other. Turn on your TV, rather, and you’ll see a screen full of icons representing the shows you subscribe to: the iTunes model. Indeed, that’s how many people watch TV now.

Put it all together, and there is simply no case for continuing to aim hundreds of millions of dollars every year at a single point on the dial. It’s not good for taxpayers. It’s not good for viewers. And it’s not good for the CBC itself, and the people who work there. The best television, as on HBO, emerges from a partnership between creative producers and a passionate, demanding, discerning audience.

 So big change is coming. That much is certain. The question is whether the CBC will get out in front of it, or whether it will drag its heels, hankering after a world that has gone and isn’t coming back.

Read the full story here.

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation v. Canada

CBC refusing to disclose certain records to Commissioner because information relating to journalistic, creative, programming activities contained therein—CBC relying on words “[t]his Act does not apply” in s. 68.1 to support argument—Interpretation contrary to purpose of Act.

Read the full document here.

It's our party: Fix is in as CBC scoops rights to taxpayer-funded Canada Day celebrations

Why are we selling the broadcast rights to Canada Day?

Did you know this happens?

It’s true, the government sells the broadcast rights to our national celebration of Canadianess.

What’s even worse is that they sell it in a way that makes sure only one broadcaster can win the rights — you guessed it — the state broadcaster.

Read the full story here.

PS - what do YOU think about this?

Keep on the CBC 'til it does the right thing ...

The easy thing, the convenient thing, would be to shut up about the CBC and get on with living.

But in conscience, how can one do that when the CBC is counting on Canadian lethargy and weariness with the subject to enable them to carry on spending taxpayers’ money and maintaining an aura of secrecy about everything they can?

Information commissioner Suzanne Legault does what she can, and has won decisions from the courts. But the CBC still doesn’t get it. It seems to feel if it can procrastinate and delay, Legault will lose interest (as predecessors have) and let the sleeping hog sleep on.

Quebecor Media Inc. has taken aim at CBC secrecy, and that’s a wrinkle the CBC hierarchy hasn’t had to deal with in the past. The CBC lashes out to defend itself by implying that it’s a TV rival that provokes this fuss over how CBC spends our money.

Read the full story here.

CBC Salaries ...

The following graph is very interesting in that it shows that CBC salaries account for over 90% of the $1.1 Billion dollar annual subsidy that the CBC receives from Canadian taxpayers.

Maybe that's why the CBC is so adamant in keeping individual salaries so secret and fighting to keep the gravy train rolling.  Canadian tax dollars are not going to cultural original Canadian content; they are instead being used to fund secret salaries!

Mayor blasts CBC news segment on Cold Lake mosque ...

Cold Lake Mayor Craig Copeland blasted a news segment which aired on CBC's The National July 7, saying the video wrongly portrayed the city as a racist community.

Copeland said the city has contacted the CBC to voice its displeasure over the news report and its portrayal of the city.

"The story should have been about the MD reversing their decision on the land sale. Playing the racist card ... just shows the level of ignorance on the level of reporting being done," Copeland said. "It's disheartening that this is supposed to be Canada's premier news organization."

Read the full story here.

CBC head defends broadcaster on access to info ...

Hubert Lacroix said the CBC's record on accountability and access to information has been lost in general confusion or distorted in coverage of its court case against Canada’s information commissioner. Information Commissioner Suzanne Legault on Wednesday won a Federal Court of Appeal case giving her the authority to review documents CBC doesn’t want to release because they deal with programming, creative or journalistic issues.

Read the full story here.

The public's right to know ...

Considerable media attention in the past few weeks has been focused on the right of the public to know the compensation of political and other leaders, particularly when public funds are involved.

One such example is the Sun Media's crusade to reveal the salary and other expenses of CBC executives such as Peter Mansbridge. Another request involves the amount CBC paid for the rights to televise Canada Day celebrations.

CBC has refused to reveal any information citing competitive as well as journalistic needs for secrecy. While the need for keeping some information under wraps is understandable, including perhaps the amount spent on purchasing the Canada Day rights, other refusals are simply ridiculous. There is no sane rationale for hiding the salary and expenses of Peter Mansbridge and other senior executives.

The Canadian Broadcast Corporation is subsidized by you and me to the tune of $1.1 billion. As taxpayers, we have the right to basic information that does not jeopardize the Corporation's competitive position or journalistic sources. It seems that the courts agree.

Read the full story here.

Debate over CBC accountability heating up ...

The taxpayer-funded Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is subject to the Access to Information Act, albeit with exemptions designed to protect their journalistic, creative and programming activities. These exemptions are designed to protect the broadcaster's journalistic sources and to safeguard the planning and design process of its programming.

But it is in the interpretation of what falls under the exemptions where the CBC and some Canadians are parting ways.

The CBC has received many requests under the Act from citizens who want more details on how the broadcaster spends its annual $1.1 Billion appropriation. Some taxpayers feel — legitimately, in my opinion — that any organization receiving such a large amount of tax dollars has a duty to be transparent about how it spends them.

Read the full story here.

Why Did CBC Give Airtime to Anti-Semitic 9/11 Conspiracy Theorist Eric Margolis? (December 9, 2011)

Best known for his anti-Western, anti-Israel, and even anti-Semitic bias, Eric Margolis’ habitual myopic portrayal of the Mideast region, promulgation of unsubstantiated allegations, and promotion of 9/11 conspiracy theories have seen this journalist be discredited as an unreliable and biased interview source. But that didn't stop the CBC from giving him a national platform.

Read the full story here.

What do YOU think?

CBC should compete in marketplace on level playing field ...

QMI Agency has had only limited success in attempting to pry information out of the state-owned CBC as to how it spends taxpayers' money.

Journalistically, the CBC has done some wonderful stuff over the years, but that hasn't necessarily made me a fan because the conservative side of me has never been able to escape the nagging feeling that this country does not need a state-owned broadcaster.

I just can't see pumping $1.1 billion of taxpayer money a year into a corporation that goes head-to-head with the private sector in the marketplace.

I believe that at a time when this country is deep in debt and has no idea where the world financial crisis may take us, that we can't afford the luxury of being in the television and radio business.

Actually, even without our deep debt and world financial crisis, I don't believe we should be in such a business.
I don't believe any government-owned operation should ever be in direct competition with the private sector.

Read the full story here.

PS - What do YOU think?

CBC was prepared to sic cops on Sun News host ..

When the CBC's Mary Walsh shows up unannounced with a camera crew at Toronto mayor Rob Ford's house, the state broadcaster considers it comedy.

When Sun News Network's Ezra Levant pops up in the lobby of the CBC's Toronto headquarters with a camera operator, it's a matter for police.

Access to information requests have revealed then-director of operations and contingency planning at the CBC, Julie McCambley, authorized a call to police on Aug. 19 to force Levant to leave the 13-floor tower.

Read the full story here.

Heritage minister coy about CBC cuts ...

The federal heritage minister has confirmed his department is in for some major sacrifices in the Conservatives' 2012 budget.

"The largest reduction in spending will be in my department," James Moore said during a committee appearance Thursday.

Read the full story here.

You don’t have to hate the CBC to demand transparency ...

Unfortunately, the call for disclosure originates with the CBC’s rival, Quebecor. Quebecor is no friend of the CBC, and its demand to see their spending is a petty campaign to create scandal and to discredit. Quebecor’s obvious goal is to arm itself with proof that the CBC is irresponsibly wasting the money we give them- ammo for their argument that the CBC should therefore be deprived of funding completely.

Quebecor is probably half right–the CBC’s spending habits are likely shameful. The public broadcaster’s secrecy over the documents in question suggests that they do indeed have something to hide. Their rationale–that to disclose Strombo’s salary or the budget of their 75th anniversary self-promotion campaign would be a violation of journalistic sources–is ridiculous. If profligate executives are hiding behind journalistic ethics, then journalists themselves–CBC journos included–should be leading the charge to pry the documents from their fingers.

Read the full story here.

New Montreal Taj Mahal for CBC ...

CBC bureaucrats, production people, and journalists are feeling a little cramped in their 23-storey broadcast palace in Montreal.

So, Crown Corporation executives are pushing for a $1.6 billion public-private redevelopment of the property, which would also provide its French operation with bigger headquarters through "a new construction on the existing site or a major retrofit of the current space."

Read the full story here.

PS - What do YOU think of this?

Conservative MP suggests changing CBC disclosure rules ...

Unimpressed with the CBC’s explanations regarding its financial accountability and handling of access to information requests, Conservatives indicated Thursday they may look at amending a law that exempts the broadcaster from disclosing certain information — potentially even things like news anchor Peter Mansbridge’s salary.

Read the full story here.

Request for CBC salaries could trigger parliamentary showdown ...

The House of Commons could potentially find itself in another showdown over the right of Parliament to information if MPs aren’t satisfied with the answers the CBC and the government provide to questions such as how much the broadcaster spends on alcohol, and the salaries of high-profile personalities including Peter Mansbridge and Rick Mercer.

Read the full story here.

CBC won't appeal court ruling ...

The CBC has put up the white flag in its legal battle against Canada’s information commissioner.

On Wednesday, a unanimous ruling upheld a 2010 decision from a federal court judge who ordered the network to provide secret documents to commissioner Suzanne Legault for review. CBC once threatened to fight its case all the way to Canada’s top court but it has opted to end its legal fight.

Read the full story here.