The CBC continues to operate in a wasteful, bias manner serving the socialist left wing mandate only while continuing to lose viewers and advertising revenues. Scandals continue. An unsettling, ugly anti Semitic movement has grown in the CBC News operation, history experts will know that this troubling bias can have devastating results for our country. Act now- contact your MP, the PMO and the CBC to stop this frightening socialist anti Semitic driven bias now.
Disgruntled CBC workers continue to confidentially share their stories with us, reports of management snooping, waste, huge salaries for select senior management, content bias, low employee morale continue in 2021 and we will expose these activities in our blog while protecting our whistleblower contacts. We take joy in knowing that the CBC-HQ visits us daily to spy on us, read our stories and to find out who owns our for the Canadian people blog.
One of our most popular posts continues to be the epic Dr. Leenen case against the Fifth Estate (the largest libel legal case ever awarded against the media in Canadian history) yet where no one at CBC was fired and taxpayers paid the huge award and legal costs for this blatant CBC Libel action. Writers and filmmakers -this is a Perfect story for an award winning Documentary -ok - who would fund it and where would it air since the CBC owns the Documentary channel! Can you help? Please contact us.
cbcExposed continues to enjoy substantial visitors coming from Universities and Colleges across Canada who use us for research in debates, exams, etc.
We ask students to please join with us in this mission; you have the power to make a difference! And so can private broadcasters who we know are hurting from the dwindling Advertising revenue pool and the CBC taking money from that pool while also unfairly getting massive Tax subsidies money. It's time to stop being silent and start speaking up Bell-CTV, Shaw-Global, Rogers, etc.
Our cbcExposed Twitter followers and visitors to cbcExposed continue to motivate us to expose CBC’s abuse and waste of tax money as well as exposing their ongoing left wing bully-like anti-sematic news bias. Polls meanwhile show that Canadians favour selling the wasteful government owned media giant and to put our tax money to better use for all Canadians. The Liberals privatized Petro Canada and Air Canada; it’s time for the Trudeau Liberals to privatize the CBC- certainly not give them more of our tax money-enough is enough!
The CBC network’s ratings continue to plummet while their costs and our taxpayer bailout subsidies continue to go up! In 2021 what case can be made for the Government to be in the broadcasting business, competing unfairly with the private sector? The CBC receives advertising and cable/satellite fees-fees greater than CTV and Global but this is not enough for the greedy CBC who also receive more than a billion dollars of your tax money every year. That’s about $100,000,000 (yes, $100 MILLION) of our taxes taken from your pay cheques every 30 days and with no CBC accountability to taxpayers.
Wake up! What does it take for real change at the CBC? YOU! Our blog contains a link to the Politicians contact info for you to make your voice heard. Act now and contact your MP, the Cabinet and Prime Minister ... tell them to stop wasting your money on a biased, failing media service, and ... sell the CBC.
CBC pitches advertisers
CBC supporting blocking is a counter-intuitive position
CBC attempted to justify its involvement with the coalition after a leak made public in Canadaland, but has remained silent since the official January 2018 filing.
The CBC’s involvement was questioned by Michael Geist. “the CBC might prefer that viewers use authorized services, but supporting blocking is a counter-intuitive position for a public broadcaster as it tries to stop Canadians from viewing the content they paid for through their tax dollars. Internal documents now suggest that executives at the highest level were involved in the process from the very beginning and well aware of the concerns.”
Is CBC a reliable source?
That said, I do not think that CBC is the “most reliable” - reliable meaning unbiased. Looking at the landscape, I personally find that Reuters and AP might be a better source of fact driven news."
Read the full article here.
CBC would be better off dividing itself into specialty channels and charging viewers
Coyne told an overwhelmingly CBC-friendly crowd that today’s viewers and listeners have a menu of pay-as-you-go options "to suit every taste, high or low, broad or narrow" that don’t rely on scarce public funds.
"At a bare minimum, then, I would put the CBC on pay. It could still be a public broadcaster, but one funded by its audience, rather than taxpayers. If its viewers are as devoted as claimed, they should be happy to pay."
Coyne said the CBC would be better off dividing itself into a "constellation" of specialty channels and charging viewers.
CBC is Self-Destructing
CBC Reporting Found Imprecise and Lacked Context
The CBC has a weird sexual obsession
Away from the prying eyes of parents, and on a popular platform called Snapchat (that virtually only kids use), the CBC’s tone changes dramatically when parents aren’t watching. Like a predator alone with a child, they are publishing some of the most asinine, immoral, and objectionable content I have ever seen, much less ever expected from our state broadcaster.
The CBC's Snapchat social media team seems to have a particular fetish for stories about polygamy, and stories explaining to your 13 year old daughter how to treat a hallucinating meth user.
Read more and see the video here.
Allow CBC to become a specialized niche channel
The CBC has consistently lost market share to their private rivals that do not benefit from a taxpayer subsidy. This fact alone dictates that people have voted with their television remotes already. The CBC likes to spin the government funding they receive (a fairly substantial $1.16 billion) by saying that it creates 3x that much for the Canadian economy. My response is that a private company could take those assets and do even better for the Canadian economy as a whole (as evidenced by their already more efficient business models).
We don’t have to do away with the CBC entirely, just pair it down and call it what it really is. Why are we trying to fund an entity to compete with the legitimate businesses? Instead, let’s allow the CBC to become a specialized niche channel that is a Canadian version of PBS.
CBC should not be party to perpetuating falsehood
Case in point, on CBC Radio’s Q program on May 15, host Tom Power interviewed Bashar Murad, a Palestinian musician who CBC noted is “based in Jerusalem,” about the Palestinian music scene.
CBC, should not be a party to the deligitimization of Israel’s capital city of Jerusalem and to perpetuating the falsehood that Jerusalem is a city of “Palestine”.
CBC rebrands over-the-top streaming service
According to tweets posted by Marcia Douglas — the director of business affairs and digital at the Canadian Media Producers Association (CMPA) — CBC Gem will feature content from independent producers, other broadcasters, as well as existent CBC content.
Does this CBC Ad Violate Human Rights?
The National Post reported yesterday on an ad run by a recruitment office (Larissa Mair Casting) on behalf of the CBC, for a spot on a kids TV show. The ad included the above noted criteria. The story reports that, after complaints, the reference to “any race except Caucasian” was removed, but the other requirements I listed remain.
The right under section 5 to equal treatment with respect to employment is infringed where an invitation to apply for employment or an advertisement in connection with employment is published or displayed that directly or indirectly classifies or indicates qualifications by a prohibited ground of discrimination.
Section 5 says that it’s unlawful to discriminate in employment on the basis of, among other grounds: age, sex, race, ethnicity, and colour. So Section 23(1) prohibits employers from advertising positions that “directly or indirectly” indicate qualifications by age, race, ethnicity, and colour.
Shouldn’t the CBC National run ad-free?
Firstly, I have to say that I do not like the new format as much as the old. Unlike other news broadcasts, the CBC has always spent more time in editorializing and offering opinions instead of just reporting what happened. The new format is even worse, with four so-called “anchors” chatting with each other too much, which I find annoying and not news worthy.
But that is not my main beef. It is the frequency and duration of the commercials. So many interruptions. Having to endure two or three commercials followed by one of the four "stars" announcing the next item or feature and then having two or three more commercials is so annoying.
The CBC receives many millions of taxpayer’s dollars every year. The main Canadian competition, CTV and Global receive nothing. They need the income from commercials to exist, so why does the CBC have to present as many or more commercials per hour (or so it seems) than it’s free enterprise competitors?
CBC ad-free paid streaming option
The broadcaster said in a memo that the new app, which will also be available for free in an ad-supported version, will allow users to live stream CBC TV, watch episodes on demand on the same day they're released, see ad-free children's programming and see series not aired on the network.
The broadcaster said it will cost $4.99 for the ad-free, premium version of the new CBC TV app.
CBC TV Ratings are in the Toilet…
The only time CBC places in the top 10 anymore is when Hockey Night in Canada airs. Beyond that, most folks couldn’t care less about CBC shows and they sure aren’t going to watch the fake news, Trudeau puff pieces and SJW opinion pieces masquerading as “news” on The National.
We don’t need to be paying taxes for a state broadcaster that’s little more than the Liberal Party’s propaganda wing. If I were PM, here’s what I’d do with the CBC:
* CBC Television would be privatized and spun off, keeping the CBC name
* Ici Radio-Canada Télé would be sold to Quebecor Media and merged into TVA, finally giving that network OTA stations outside of Quebec
* The CBC’s English and French radio units would be spun off as non-profit, listener-supported networks akin to NPR in the US, with a name change for the spun-off networks.
The CBC: Taxpayer-Funded Leftist Propaganda
In this article, I will try to explain why I claim that the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) is a Leftist propaganda machine funded by Canadian taxpayers.
2) My non-claims:
As usual, let's start with the things I am not claiming:
2.1) I am not claiming anything about the whole long history of the CBC, just recent history (say, 10 years or so). Maybe the CBC was fine a long time ago.
2.2) I make no claims about CBC programs that have nothing to do with Leftist propaganda, like weather reports, cooking programs, sports, etc. (as far as I know, those programs are fine).
2.3) I am not aware of the existence of a good "Mainstream" TV channel. I insist on this because of the Leftist's reflex, who start vomiting on "Fox News" as soon as they hear somebody criticize the CBC! First of all, I'm talking about the CBC, not "Fox News" or some other media. Second, what little I know about "Fox News" fills me with as much distrust as toward the CBC.
2.4) I am not asking the CBC to replace Leftist propaganda by right-wing propaganda! Propaganda is propaganda, and I don't like propaganda!
2.5) I'm not even demanding that the CBC stop Leftist propaganda! I just want the CBC to stop censoring Christians! Like a bit of chlorine in a lot of infected water, a bit of truth in a lot of propaganda is vastly sufficient to neutralize the lies. But we do need that little bit of chlorine! The CBC does need to stop censoring Christians, who pay a large proportion of its budget. Or then the CBC should be totally de-funded of public monies.
CBC needs a dose of common sense
But while CBC is in a better relationship with this government, it is not necessarily in the best phase of its relationship with the paying public. Even CBC's strongest supporters cannot turn a blind eye to the narrative of the last two years – Peter Mansbridge's and Rex Murphy's paid speaking engagements, the Ghomeshi scandal, the Amanda Lang debacle and the strange and sudden departure of Evan Solomon. That's a lot.
CBC lacks cohesion, among other things
Mostly, they complain. Often, they’re writing to tell me they’ve given up. They stopped watching because the hour of news is confusing and they don’t feel they’re getting a definitive, authentic roundup of the important news of the day.
Some long-time viewers are irritated by the use of on-screen text to promote an upcoming story in a certain number of minutes. The appearance of the text is too brief to read, let alone register.
The National is on the air for hours every night. Capturing the tone, style and methodology is tricky. It’s not the same every night, no matter what some readers feel.
What it doesn’t have is cohesion, nor does it offer the traditional attempt at defining the news tally of the day. If viewers are fleeing, that’s utterly understandable.
The CBC is a Propaganda Tool for the Left Wing Social Activists
It collects $1.7 billion each year from the federal government to promote its left wing ideological objective which most definitely does not reflect the views of most Canadians. It does so, even though the Broadcasting Act, which was updated in September, 2018, specifically states in Section 3(l)(i) that broadcasters are required to provide a balance of information and in Section 3(l)(iv) that the CBC must provide a reasonable opportunity for the Canadian public to be exposed to differing views on matters of public concern. The CBC is operating outside its mandate.
Former CBC President, Hubert Lacroix, and current President, Catherine Tait, have ignored the Broadcast Act and have allowed the CBC to promote only left wing propaganda programming. They have had no hesitation in doing so since the CBC is assured that the Liberal government will continue to fund its operation, regardless of its bias, or perhaps because of it.
CBC facing more Bullying & Harassment Claims
But CANADALAND has learned of serious bullying, harassment, and workplace abuse complaints at the CBC, throughout its departments. Through conversations with over a dozen CBC employees, our investigation revealed that CBC Radio One, CBC TV Sports, and CBC human resources have all experienced, or are experiencing, allegations of workplace bullying and abuse.
CBC Losing Viewers & Ads
CBC runs interference on international ridicule of Justin Trudeau
During Trudeau's meeting with Prime Minister Shinzō Abe of Japan, Justin mistakenly calls Abe “Chinese.” Not once, but twice. And the CBC covered for him.