The CBC continues to operate in a wasteful, bias manner serving the socialist left wing mandate only while continuing to lose viewers and advertising revenues. Scandals continue. An unsettling, ugly anti Semitic movement has grown in the CBC News operation, history experts will know that this troubling bias can have devastating results for our country. Act now- contact your MP, the PMO and the CBC to stop this frightening socialist anti Semitic driven bias now.

Disgruntled CBC workers continue to confidentially share their stories with us, reports of management snooping, waste, huge salaries for select senior management, content bias, low employee morale continue in 2021 and we will expose these activities in our blog while protecting our whistleblower contacts. We take joy in knowing that the CBC-HQ visits us daily to spy on us, read our stories and to find out who owns our for the Canadian people blog.

One of our most popular posts continues to be the epic Dr. Leenen case against the Fifth Estate (the largest libel legal case ever awarded against the media in Canadian history) yet where no one at CBC was fired and taxpayers paid the huge award and legal costs for this blatant CBC Libel action. Writers and filmmakers -this is a Perfect story for an award winning Documentary -ok - who would fund it and where would it air since the CBC owns the Documentary channel! Can you help? Please contact us.

cbcExposed continues to enjoy substantial visitors coming from Universities and Colleges across Canada who use us for research in debates, exams, etc.

We ask students to please join with us in this mission; you have the power to make a difference! And so can private broadcasters who we know are hurting from the dwindling Advertising revenue pool and the CBC taking money from that pool while also unfairly getting massive Tax subsidies money. It's time to stop being silent and start speaking up Bell-CTV, Shaw-Global, Rogers, etc.

Our cbcExposed Twitter followers and visitors to cbcExposed continue to motivate us to expose CBC’s abuse and waste of tax money as well as exposing their ongoing left wing bully-like anti-sematic news bias. Polls meanwhile show that Canadians favour selling the wasteful government owned media giant and to put our tax money to better use for all Canadians. The Liberals privatized Petro Canada and Air Canada; it’s time for the Trudeau Liberals to privatize the CBC- certainly not give them more of our tax money-enough is enough!

The CBC network’s ratings continue to plummet while their costs and our taxpayer bailout subsidies continue to go up! In 2021 what case can be made for the Government to be in the broadcasting business, competing unfairly with the private sector? The CBC receives advertising and cable/satellite fees-fees greater than CTV and Global but this is not enough for the greedy CBC who also receive more than a billion dollars of your tax money every year. That’s about $100,000,000 (yes, $100 MILLION) of our taxes taken from your pay cheques every 30 days and with no CBC accountability to taxpayers.

Wake up! What does it take for real change at the CBC? YOU! Our blog contains a link to the Politicians contact info for you to make your voice heard. Act now and contact your MP, the Cabinet and Prime Minister ... tell them to stop wasting your money on a biased, failing media service, and ... sell the CBC.

CBC President Hubert Lacroix Misled Parliament

In March 2013, CBC President Hubert Lacroix appeared before Parliament and denied that any sexual harassment of this sort took place at the CBC, following reports in The Sun. It’s clear now that Lacroix was misleading Parliament.

Lacroix’s opening statement in March 2013 to the House of Commons Standing Committee , later remarks and those of Monique Marcotte (Interim Executive Director, English Services Human Resources) were meant to reassure Parliament that the CBC is serious about sexual harassment in the workplace.

Some of Lacroix’s comments sounded like hyperbole, over the top in their sweeping claims. There were only 3 claims of sexual harassment said Lacroix. While it does not seem Lacroix gave sworn testimony, his testimony is called “evidence” and as an officer of the court and expected to be truthful in his statements.

Later in the session, his HR director contradicted Lacroix and said there were 62 reports of sexual harassment at the CBC, and those numbers don’t include any of the Ghomeshi allegations, allegations the CBC hushed up until now.

Read the full story.

More CBC Propaganda

CBC used an old photo of a Polish coal plant when talking about Canada's greenhouse gas emissions.

Watch the video here.

CBC fires radio host for fear of publicity

More details of Jian Ghomeshi’s alleged violent sexual encounters have emerged on the heels of the CBC’s decision to cut ties with the prominent pop culture radio host.

A news report — which sat on the back-burner for months until the CBC abruptly announced the firing of the 47-year-old Sunday — outlines disturbing accusations made by four unidentified women.

While he maintains his sexual preferences are his “private life,” Ghomeshi said he has been open and honest with his employer throughout his ordeal.

And he claims the CBC chose to fire him out of fear the story might be publicized, even though there has been no formal complaints filed against him to human resources or cops.

Ghomeshi’s lawyers, Dentons Canada LLP, say they plan to file a suit against the CBC Monday.

“The action will claim general and punitive damages for among other things, breach of confidence and bad faith in the amount of $50 million,” the firm has said, adding Ghomeshi will also “commence a grievance for reinstatement under his collective agreement.”

Read the full story.

CBC to Ghomeshi: Walk away quietly or be fired

CBC star Jian Ghomeshi has been fired over “information” the public broadcaster recently received that it says “precludes” it from continuing to employ the 47-year-old host of the popular Q radio show.

Shortly after CBC announced Ghomeshi was out the door on Sunday, Ghomeshi released news that he was launching a $50-million lawsuit claiming “breach of confidence and bad faith” by his employer of almost 14 years. He later followed that up with a Facebook posting saying he has been the target of “harassment, vengeance and demonization.”

Ghomeshi said in his Facebook posting that his CBC bosses gave him a choice to “walk away quietly” or to be fired. He chose not to walk away and “publicly suggest that this was my decision.” And so, Ghomeshi said, he was “stripped from my show, barred from the building and separated from my colleagues.”

Read the full story.

CBC being sued for $50 million

Jian Ghomeshi plans to sue CBC for $50 million after being fired.

The host and cocreator of CBC's national cultural-affairs radio show Q is out of a job. But he's not going down without a fight.

Jian Ghomeshi will sue for $50 million in damages and file a grievance to be reinstated, according to a statement issued by the law firm Dentons Canada LLP.

Last week, Ghomeshi announced that he was taking a leave of absence "for personal reasons" from Q.

That was followed by a statement today from the Crown-owned broadcaster that its relationship with Ghomeshi had "come to an end". This was as a result of information that had come to its attention recently.

Read the full story.

More cuts at CBC announced by CBC President Hubert Lacroix

CBC President Hubert Lacroix has shared more details about the corporate-wide job cuts he first announced in June. In a meeting with union leaders, Lacroix said the CBC will lose another 400 jobs by the end of March 2015 bringing the total number of jobs cut at CBC this fiscal year to 1057. There will be another 400 job cuts to come by March 2016. Lacroix further added that another 400 and possibly more jobs will be cut by 2020.

"The union will continue to lobby all political parties to reverse the cuts, and increase the federal government's financial support for CBC/Radio-Canada," says CMG President Carmel Smyth.

Read the full story.

CBC Exposed for more bias

On the October 12 broadcast of CBC News Network at 8:05AM EST (watch here) and 3:50pm EST (watch here), CBC Anchor’s Reshmi Nair and Andrew Nichols both claimed that “most” of the Palestinian casualties killed in Gaza during the recent Israel-Hamas war were “civilians”.

These statements were not made in attribution and CBC therefore presented this claim as an undisputed fact. Importantly, Israel claims that about half of the dead were terrorists, the majority from Hamas while over 150 Islamic Jihad terrorists were killed. That’s a 1:1 ratio of combatant vs. civilian deaths which is almost unprecedented in modern warfare. The Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center has now examined 1,017 names of Palestinian war fatalities in Gaza. Of the 874 dead who could be identified, terrorist operatives constitute 49.8% and non-involved civilians constitute 50.2%.

Time and again, CBC journalists have made this claim, sometimes, like in a recent Derek Stoffel report on the National on Gaza’s rebuilding or in this report, these figures are attributed to the United Nations, but almost never does CBC acknowledge Israel’s accounting that half of the dead Palestinians were combatants.

Read the full story.

Is CBC President Hubert Lacroix under gag order

It does not make sense for Canada’s public broadcaster with a $1 billion in taxpayers money to harass a 66-year-old journalist with a disability on Canada’s smallest Province. Right?

The question is: why are they spending $100,000 on Alan V. Parish Q.C. lawyer? Does this increase their audience, revenues or cut costs?

Alan V. Parish Q.C. sent me a slap on the wrist email saying “…please do not communicate directly to officers of Canadian Broadcasting Corporation with respect to this matter. Please channel all communications which you wish to make to the CBC with respect to this matter through me.”

At least it confirms Parish is working for the CBC in Pate Gate. And maybe the have President Lacroix under a gag order.

Read the full story.

Does CBC tolerate disability bigotry?

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), the $1 billion publicly funded Canadian broadcaster, feels no shame in disability bigotry. The CBC is spending $100,000 on lawyers trying to keep me from reporting the news from the provincial legislature in a 5 year battle.

Hubert Lacroix the President of the CBC is a disability bigot. Lacroix knows what’s going on and supports the CBC’s stand against disabled reporters. Just another legal battle. Send in the lawyers.

Lacroix is not alone. His board of directors support him.

Disability bigotry should not be tolerated but it is.

Read the full story.


Senior executives within the media party hold talks behind closed doors -- about manipulating the the news. Guess who they're conspiring to protect?

See the video here.

CBC lost it all

The victors strode into the CBC’s Toronto headquarters at 250 Front St. West on June 1 in an especially humiliating denouement for what was left of the public network’s sports department and its version of Hockey Night In Canada.

Not only had Rogers Communications Inc. wrenched the Canadian national broadcast rights to NHL games from the CBC’s grasp with a stunning $5.2-billion payout over the next 12 years, but the Visigoths were actually at the gate. Part of the ensuing deal, in which those in charge of the CBC meekly handed over the company’s airwaves for free, was that the Rogers people connected to Hockey Night, along with some people hired from rival TSN, would use the CBC’s studios and take over the show’s office space on the north side of the eighth floor – the plushest in the building thanks to the show’s status as the network’s biggest money spinner.

After their failure to keep the NHL broadcast rights, the fallout was severe: The loss of a total of 657 full-time jobs in April at the CBC, along with a $130-million cut in its budget thanks in part to the loss of an estimated $225-million in annual advertising revenue (half of the company’s total).

Read the full story.

Exposed: Hollow victory for CBC

In November, CBC president Hubert Lacroix described himself as “comforted” by the fact that HNiC would continue to air on the public broadcaster for at least four years.

Saturday night displayed what a hollow victory this was for the CBC. That is, the CBC’s heavily subsidized main network was being used as a promotional vehicle for programming that would be aired on a rival private network owned by a telecom conglomerate. Meanwhile, a huge studio space in the CBC’s Toronto headquarters, as well as some of its hockey production staff, were annexed by Rogers as part of the arrangement, all of it in an effort to avoid the public broadcaster losing its ties to hockey entirely.

Read the full story.

More CBC allegations

Controversial youth basketball coach Ro Russell rejected CBC allegations that he exploited Canadian teenagers by misleading their parents into paying him directly to attend an American basketball academy.

Russell spoke to QMI Agency after refusing to grant an interview to The Fifth Estate, which on Friday broadcast an hour-long documentary centred on the Toronto native's track record as a hoops coach and power broker on both sides of the border.

The native of Toronto's tough Jane and Finch neighbourhood said the CBC built its story around two disgruntled players and Rautins, who "despises me." Russell singled out Rathan-Mayes, who he said left the program amid attitude and disciplinary problems.

"He couldn't get what he wanted from me," Russell said of the guard, who left his program last year. "(CBC) found Xavier and ... Braeden Anderson ... rather than talk about all the success stories, you're just going to isolate and talk to a couple of kids who said this and that."

Read the full story.

CBC's own lawyers say this isn't true

In November 1988, the Liberal Party of Canada went to court to force CBC and CTV to carry their attack ads against Brian Mulroney and his Progressive Conservatives. The ads used footage of Opposition leader John Turner taking on Mulroney over the issue of free trade during the televised leaders debates.

The networks claimed they owned the video footage in question and said the Liberal Party's use of it infringed on their copyright. The networks lost and were forced to run the ads; they were also turned down on appeal by the Supreme Court.

"It's a victory for Canadians, for broadcasters and for the political parties. And I mean broadcasters, because they should be relieved to be out of the position of having to censor advertisements of political parties," Allan Lutfy, chief counsel for the Liberals, is quoted as saying in the Nov. 16, 1988 Montreal Gazette.

Today the networks are trying to stop the use of their footage in attack ads once again and the Liberals are their handmaids. They claim this is about journalistic independence but really it's about censorship and stifling free speech.

Earlier this year the Conservatives released an ad attacking Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau's position on terrorism and they used a clip of Trudeau reacting to the Boston Marathon bombing and telling CBC anchor Peter Mansbridge: "There is no question that this happened because there is someone who feels completely excluded."

That quote, given exclusively to Mansbridge and CBC, has been used in countless newspaper stories, columns and played on TV. I've played it several times on Byline on Sun News Network. None of that is considered to be a bad thing, and CBC hasn't taken any action to stop it, but Mansbridge was upset that the clip was used in an ad and e-mailed CBC news head honcho Jennifer McGuire. McGuire decided she wanted the help of other networks to stop news clips showing up in attack ads.

McGuire enlisted the help of CTV, Rogers and Global in forming a common front to say that none of them would air ads that used material from news coverage without the express written permission of the broadcaster in question.

Unlike in 1988 they avoided claiming copyright and tried to say this was about ethics and integrity.

"As news organizations, the use of our content in political advertisements without our express consent may compromise our journalistic independence and call into question our journalistic ethics, standards and objectivity," the cartel wrote in a letter to all political parties this past spring. In response, news stories have claimed the government is considering changes to the copyright act or the broadcast act to make the ads legal. Several media outlets have lost their collectivist minds over this and have run stories claiming it is theft of intellectual property and a violation of copyright.

But even CBC's own lawyers say this isn't true. In her e-mail to gain support for this initiative, McGuire admitted as much.

Read the full story.

CBC jihad against Alberta’s energy sector grossly misleading

CBC Calgary’s taxpayer funded jihad against Alberta’s energy sector has gone from being merely biased to being grossly misleading.

You can hardly flip on one of their morning newscasts without hearing another grim, hit piece telling Albertans how bad, dirty, dangerous and unpopular their energy sector is.

On Wednesday; in a transparent piece of journalistic malpractice, we are told the results of a survey have found the energy sector may be damaging Calgary’s reputation outside Alberta.

So according to this poll, between 2 and 3% of the total number polled view energy as a negative in some way.

Just to be clear folks, that’s around 23 people in five cities out of 1,200 who said energy negatively influenced their impression of the Calgary.

The CBC hung their entire story about how the energy sector is a liability for Calgary’s reputation on the backs of about two dozen people who responded to an online poll.

Read the full story.

Senate committee considering subpoena for CBC

Last Tuesday various documents the CBC gave to a Senate committee were made public. These included the supposed salary ranges of on-air personalities.

Many senators believe they’re being mislead. That would be an understatement.

The committee is now considering using a subpoena to bring the info out into the open. We fully support this. The public has a right to know how its money is being spent.

There’s something deeply insulting about a media organization doing everything in its power to hide information. Shouldn’t they be the ones most supportive of access to information?

They know if the full truth about the CBC came to light, the party would be over.

Read the full story.

CBC 2014/2015 Budget - cancellations and repeats

  • Measures that CBC will implement to reduce costs:

      • End of the Local Service Expansion (London local news expansion and all other additional markets in the plan will be cancelled)
      • • Regionalize some news programs:
        • - Ten minute late night newscast in the North eliminated
          - Alberta weekend news from Calgary and Edmonton now “regionalized” from one location
          - Thunder Bay afternoon CBC Radio show cancelled, consolidated to Sudbury and made into a regional show for Northern Ontario
          - Windsor's local afternoon show will become a regional show for Southern Ontario and will include London, Kitchener and Waterloo, excluding Ottawa and Toronto (which have local shows)
      • Cancellations and changes to some regional performance shows on radio
      • • Saturday CBC Radio Two program In Tune from Calgary to be replaced by Choral Concert., from Calgary (formerly from Halifax)
      • • Further reductions (50%) of regional live music production
      • Substantially reducing the sports department and refocusing on new sports strategy
      • • Two daytime cooking shows cancelled: In the Kitchen with Stefano Faita and Best Recipes Ever. Reduce investment in daytime programming through use of different production models, acquisitions and repeats
      • • Reduce one original Canadian series on CBC Television and replace with an acquisition (Best of the World)
      • • Integrate English and French revenue groups to generate additional synergies and provide a more streamlined service to advertisers
      • Read the full report.

CBC lacks common sense

Like more and more Canadians, I am sick and tired of seeing my tax dollars used to promote political opinions that are against my personal beliefs.

Over the last three years, the federal government has cut more than 20,000 public servant jobs and made cuts of 10% or more to many departments and Crown corporations.

Years after the announcement of such cuts, guess who are the only ones still blubbering and refusing to make an effort to balance the books? Those who have a microphone in their hands paid by your taxes!

Let’s also not forget that CBC’s managers gave themselves over $18 million in bonuses over the last two years and CBC’s president, Hubert Lacroix, had to recently repay $30,000 in expense claims that violated the corporation’s own spending rules.

What CBC/Radio-Canada desperately lacks these days is not public money but common sense, decency, transparency and political neutrality.

Read the full story.

Was Peter Mansbridge in conflict of interest?

The CBC's ombudsman finds no problem with Peter Mansbridge taking money to speak before an oil lobby group but says the public broadcaster should "think about the appearance of getting paid by interest groups who are likely to feature prominently in the news."

CBC's viewers weren't happy when illuminated of the marquee anchor getting paid potentially big bucks to talk for an hour to the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers. They wrote to its ombudsman expressing their concern that his address constituted a conflict of interest.

Read the full story.

Senators unimpressed with CBC

Senators remain unimpressed with the CBC's latest attempt at transparency.

The CBC recently released financial data on its website revealing that four of its employees have salaries of at least $300,000.

Senators say they want more details.

Committee chairman, Conservative Sen. Leo Housakos, told QMI Agency that, in particular, senators want more info on how CBC pays bonuses. He said employees can receive yearly bonuses of up to 40% of their salary.

Read the full story.

CBC and the new reality

But the CBC has always played by different rules. They're insulated from many of the realities of the industry. So we don't buy the complaints that followed the announcements.

Some people would like to entirely blame these woes on their reduced government funding determined in 2012 -- from $1.03 billion to $913 million 2014-2015.

But this ignores the fact that ratings were lower and the entire industry is struggling with the TV ad market.

That near billion-dollar budget doesn't come out of thin air. Taxpayers just faced some tough economic times; Canadians are right to question such budgets.

Perhaps if the CBC privatizes or reinvents itself to be like TVO or PBS they could work with a smaller budget.

But the bottom line is they need to come to grips with reality.

Read the full story.

The CBC unfairly competes ...

It is time to scrap the CBC and sell off its assets to the highest bidder.

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation STILL receives more than $1billion dollars of government funding each and every year.

That's right - more than $1 billion public dollars a year goes to supporting a broadcasting corporation whose market share continues to decline. This is not value for taxpayers, and we want to put an end to it.

There is simply no reason for our government to be in the television broadcast business any longer. The CBC unfairly competes with private sector broadcasters for advertising revenue and programming content - and these private broadcasters are already subject to effective Canadian content regulations.

Read more and sign the petition here.