The CBC continues to operate in a wasteful, bias manner serving the socialist left wing mandate only while continuing to lose viewers and advertising revenues. Scandals continue. An unsettling, ugly anti Semitic movement has grown in the CBC News operation, history experts will know that this troubling bias can have devastating results for our country. Act now- contact your MP, the PMO and the CBC to stop this frightening socialist anti Semitic driven bias now.

Disgruntled CBC workers continue to confidentially share their stories with us, reports of management snooping, waste, huge salaries for select senior management, content bias, low employee morale continue in 2021 and we will expose these activities in our blog while protecting our whistleblower contacts. We take joy in knowing that the CBC-HQ visits us daily to spy on us, read our stories and to find out who owns our for the Canadian people blog.

One of our most popular posts continues to be the epic Dr. Leenen case against the Fifth Estate (the largest libel legal case ever awarded against the media in Canadian history) yet where no one at CBC was fired and taxpayers paid the huge award and legal costs for this blatant CBC Libel action. Writers and filmmakers -this is a Perfect story for an award winning Documentary -ok - who would fund it and where would it air since the CBC owns the Documentary channel! Can you help? Please contact us.

cbcExposed continues to enjoy substantial visitors coming from Universities and Colleges across Canada who use us for research in debates, exams, etc.

We ask students to please join with us in this mission; you have the power to make a difference! And so can private broadcasters who we know are hurting from the dwindling Advertising revenue pool and the CBC taking money from that pool while also unfairly getting massive Tax subsidies money. It's time to stop being silent and start speaking up Bell-CTV, Shaw-Global, Rogers, etc.

Our cbcExposed Twitter followers and visitors to cbcExposed continue to motivate us to expose CBC’s abuse and waste of tax money as well as exposing their ongoing left wing bully-like anti-sematic news bias. Polls meanwhile show that Canadians favour selling the wasteful government owned media giant and to put our tax money to better use for all Canadians. The Liberals privatized Petro Canada and Air Canada; it’s time for the Trudeau Liberals to privatize the CBC- certainly not give them more of our tax money-enough is enough!

The CBC network’s ratings continue to plummet while their costs and our taxpayer bailout subsidies continue to go up! In 2021 what case can be made for the Government to be in the broadcasting business, competing unfairly with the private sector? The CBC receives advertising and cable/satellite fees-fees greater than CTV and Global but this is not enough for the greedy CBC who also receive more than a billion dollars of your tax money every year. That’s about $100,000,000 (yes, $100 MILLION) of our taxes taken from your pay cheques every 30 days and with no CBC accountability to taxpayers.

Wake up! What does it take for real change at the CBC? YOU! Our blog contains a link to the Politicians contact info for you to make your voice heard. Act now and contact your MP, the Cabinet and Prime Minister ... tell them to stop wasting your money on a biased, failing media service, and ... sell the CBC.

CBC is once again refusing to be open

CBC is once again refusing to be open about how it spend taxpayers' money even as MPs debate a bill that would force it to be more forthcoming.

A request for records on the cost of hosting its websites returned plenty of paperwork but no dollar figures.

The dozens of websites owned by CBC —, and others — appear to have been registered through an American company in Palatine, Ill.

CBC claimed that to release the details of the website costs would go against the "economic interests of Canada."

Read the full story.

Fears that amendments would shield the CBC from the information commissioner

Justice Minister Rob Nicholson has brushed aside complaints from a caucus colleague about government amendments to his private member's bill on CBC and civil service accountability.

Conservative MP Brent Rathgeber's bill would create a "sunshine list" to make public which civil servants and CBC employees make more than $188,000 annually, and would allow the information commissioner to investigate complaints that the CBC is too secretive in its responses to Access to Information requests.

Rathgeber fears Nicholson's amendments would shield the CBC from the information commissioner and raise the threshold for the sunshine list to those with annual salaries and bonuses worth around $444,000.

Read the full story.

Amendments to CBC salary bill would only apply to bigwigs

A Conservative private member's bill to publicize the salaries of civil service honchos and CBC bigwigs, as well as force the CBC to be more open with Access to Information requests could soon face several Harper government amendments.

He says the government wants his bill's "sunshine list" to cover only federal civil servants and CBC employees with annual salaries and bonuses worth around $444,000 - more than the prime minister makes and 10 times the average salary in Canada.

Read the full story.

Hubert Lacroix wants to exempt CBC from rules

CBC's president is vowing to fight a bill that would make the state broadcaster more accountable to taxpayers on how its $1 billion per year subsidy is spent.

Under changes proposed in Bill C-60, part of the government's budget implementation legislation, the government could, if desired, force CBC and several other Crown corporations to have their agreements with unions overseen by the government.

In a memo to all CBC staff, Hubert Lacroix said he has pressed government officials for an amendment to exempt CBC from the new rules.

"This could potentially embroil the government, CBC/Radio-Canada and its unions in litigation - not necessarily added value to Canadians," Lacroix wrote in the memo.

The finance minister noted that CBC receives plenty of taxpayers' money each year and they must be accountable for what they pay their employees and executives.

Read the full story.

CBC president Hubert Lacroix didn’t let facts get in the way ...

CBC president Hubert Lacroix didn’t let facts get in the way of a good rant Tuesday at a House of Commons committee looking into sexual harassment at the state broadcaster.

Lacroix attacked two Sun News Network personalities — Byline host Brian Lilley and The Source host Ezra Levant — for “deliberately misleading” Canadians for reporting on sexual harassment at the publicly-funded CBC and host David Suzuki’s demands when he’s on speaking tours.

Read the full story.

CBC seems to have a double standard about public accountability

CBC journalists can be relied upon to dig for details on public sector stories that are of interest to Canadians.

The vigour the agency’s journalists are bringing to chase the Mike Duffy-Prime Minister’s Office fiasco playing out in Ottawa is an example of this reporting tradition. In doing its media work, the CBC decries secrecy on public matters of public interest — often very conspicuously referencing government stonewalling it feels it encounters as part of its reporting on stories.

It should do what it can to draw attention to this issue and other public accountability matters connected to Canadian governments. However, the CBC seems to have a double standard about public accountability when it comes to behaving as a Crown corporation. A recent effort by The Record to have the costs made public that are associated with setting up the new CBC Radio and online station serving Waterloo Region went nowhere.

Read the full story.

CBC failed Albertans

Their slogan says "Canada Lives Here," but the CBC's news channel has a narrow view of that mandate. 

Despite receiving nearly $1.2 billion a year from taxpayers to bring Canadians together and keep viewers abreast of historical shifts - like what's going on in Alberta - Canadians missed some intriguing developments the other night.

The state broadcaster chose not to nationally televise Thursday's leaders' debate where unelected Conservative Premier Alison Redford squared off against upstart Wildrose Party Leader Danielle Smith, as well as the leaders of the NDP and Liberals.

Read the full story.

CBC demands more money

CBC wants more money from Canadians to pay for local services but isn't willing to say exactly what that money will buy.

A request for details on the cost of their new studios in Hamilton, Ont., including the acquisition, renovation and furnishing of a decrepit old building in the city's downtown core, was granted -- with plenty of information removed.

CBC cited security concerns, competitive issues and privacy in refusing to release what they are spending taxpayers money on.

CBC became subject to the Access to Information Act in 2007. Since then, they have received failing grades for failure to comply with the law and lost two court challenges where they attempted to keep their secrets from being made public.

Read the full story.

CBC's music service bleeding taxpayer cash

CBC defends losing millions of dollars to set up a free music service even as it cancelled other programming and laid off staff.

Last February the state broadcaster launched CBC Music, an online music service that gives away for free what other existing private music services charge money for. While CBC doesn't charge users to listen to the latest Rihanna, Katy Perry or Aerosmith, the artists must be paid.

Now it is reported that CBC is expected to lose close to $6 million in its first year of operation and there is no break even point on the horizon.

Stephen Taylor, with the National Citizen's Coalition, said CBC's decision to use tax dollars to compete with the private sector is troublesome.

Read the full story.

Exposing the CBC

The NDP wants more transparency from all government departments but when it comes to the CBC they bend over backwards to protect the state broadcaster.

See the video here.

CBC integrity not in danger with Treasury Board limits ...

Heritage Minister James Moore is brushing off criticisms from Friends of Canadian Broadcasting lobbyists about the CBC losing "editorial independence" if the feds get involved in Crown corporation labour talks.

"It's very clear in the Broadcast Act, section 46, the CBC has full independence of what they decide to put on the air or not, on radio and television or online," Moore said Thursday. "The editorial independence of CBC is entirely untouched."

Allies of the CBC have latched onto a small section of the Conservatives' more than 100-page budget bill that would let the Treasury Board set limits on what Crown corporations' could agree to in labour negotiations.

Read the full story.

Bill would force CBC to reveal more info about spending

The CBC remains opaque even as a bill aiming to make it more transparent weaves its way through Parliament.

The publicly funded broadcaster has a poor track record of disclosing information and a nasty habit of hiding behind one clause of the Access to Information Act that allows it to withhold info it feels would compromise its journalistic integrity, creativity or programming activities.

Asked for information on the expenses of an executive meeting in Montreal - accommodation, food, entertainment - the broadcaster provided accommodation expenses but withheld food and other costs ...

Read the full story.

The CBC is a historic cultural burden with an expired mandate ...

The CBC has more unions protecting its journalistic independence, and this includes covering butts and protecting deadwood, than virtually any private enterprise known to private enterprise.

If not for the taxpayer kicking in billions, the CBC would have gone belly up long ago, or at least been forced to compete for its survival with commercial radio and television.

The CBC is not "sacred," as many of its supporters claim.

The CBC is what it is -- a historic cultural burden with an expired mandate.

Read the full story.

CBC wastes your money documenting Brian Lilley ...

Richard Nixon kept an enemies list and so does CBC. No surprise that I'm on CBC's list but I was surprised to finally get my hands on the "Quebecor Briefing Book."

I became aware of the document after requesting and receiving the 547 pages that CBC had amassed on me and the stories I had written about its problems with openness, transparency and handling of taxpayers money. Tucked away in those many pages was an email that made reference to a document all about Quebecor, parent company of Sun News Network and this newspaper.

Well CBC was asked for the document and they said it couldn't be released.

Then CBC said it didn't exist.

Read the full story.

CBC Airs False Allegation ...

CBC Airs False Allegation that Israel Used Chemical Weapons in ’08-’09 Gaza War.

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) Radio’s “Information Morning Fredericton” program elected to air an unsubstantiated allegation claiming Israel intentionally used chemical weapons on Palestinian children in Gaza in the 2008-09 war with Hamas.

The allegation came during a segment that aired April 26th, about an exhibit curated in Fredericton depicting fake Gaza art.

Read the full story.

Why is CBC fighting against a free press in Canada?

Canada has a culture and legal system based on “freedom of the press.”

Whenever dictators and totalitarian governments censure, jail and murder journalists we gasp collectively. 

Why then did CBC send its employees to a hastily staged meeting of the PEI Press Gallery in October 2009 to shut down an electronic journalist?

I can’t find anywhere in the CBC’s mandate that news censorship is on their agenda.

Read the full story.

The CBC is Horribly Broken

This week the Canadian Internets were abuzz with talk of Stephen Harper's plan to control the CBC. The thing is that the CBC is horribly broken already and Stephen Harper's latest authoritarian power grab is the least of their worries.

The reality though is that the CBC is in desperate need of repair, possibly to the point of being reinvented. 

As the company's funding dwindled they've been forced to seek new sources of funding. This came, for the most part, in the form of additional advertising on the air and on the website. The end result, on the television side especially, is something that bears little resemblance to a public broadcaster. It has become essentially a publicly funded commercial broadcaster competing with privately owned commercial broadcasters.

Read the full story.

CBC News Network ran a report that carried an unforgivable error

In the afternoon of April 30, CBC News Network ran a report on recent Israeli-Palestinian violence that carried an unforgivable error.

While it’s noteworthy that the CBC did issue an on-air correction, nevertheless, the CBC’s correction was very disingenuous.

Instead of remedying their error, this CBC correction has only served to obfuscate the situation.

Read the full story.

What does Kirstine Stewart know about the future of the CBC

Why does anyone leave a job as the most powerful and influential media executive in the country to sell ads for Twitter Canada? And why leave immediately, without prior notice?

Ms. Stewart has spent seven years as a senior executive at the CBC, hired by the much-maligned Richard Stursberg to head up CBC television. She wound up replacing her boss as vice-president of all English language services when Mr. Stursberg was fired by the current CBC president, Hubert Lacroix in 2011.

The citizens of this country need and deserve a full explanation of current conditions within the CBC, and how management is responding.

Read the full story.

Sins, Secrets and Successes Inside the CBC

Video with former CBC VP Richard Stursberg, author of The Tower of Babble: Sins, Secrets and Successes Inside the CBC.

Click here to see the video!

Former police chief settles $2-million lawsuit against CBC

Former Edmonton police chief Bob Wasylyshen has settled his $2-million lawsuit against the CBC, in which he claimed he was "maliciously defamed" by the public broadcaster in a story that implied he sexually assaulted and robbed nearly two dozen prostitutes in the early 1980s.

In a notice of discontinuance filed with the court July 7, Wasylyshen ended the 2004 lawsuit without costs, citing "an agreement between the parties." In a letter filed five days earlier, the CBC told the court the matter "has been settled" and the trial, scheduled to begin in September, should be cancelled. CBC lawyer Fred Kozak declined to comment Wednesday and Wasylyshen's lawyer, Gerald Robertson, did not return calls. The public record is mute on the terms of the settlement. A CBC spokesman declined to say whether the public broadcaster would be issuing a retraction or a clarification about the story.

Read the full story.