The CBC continues to operate in a wasteful, bias manner serving the socialist left wing mandate only while continuing to lose viewers and advertising revenues. Scandals continue. An unsettling, ugly anti Semitic movement has grown in the CBC News operation, history experts will know that this troubling bias can have devastating results for our country. Act now- contact your MP, the PMO and the CBC to stop this frightening socialist anti Semitic driven bias now.
Disgruntled CBC workers continue to confidentially share their stories with us, reports of management snooping, waste, huge salaries for select senior management, content bias, low employee morale continue in 2021 and we will expose these activities in our blog while protecting our whistleblower contacts. We take joy in knowing that the CBC-HQ visits us daily to spy on us, read our stories and to find out who owns our for the Canadian people blog.
One of our most popular posts continues to be the epic Dr. Leenen case against the Fifth Estate (the largest libel legal case ever awarded against the media in Canadian history) yet where no one at CBC was fired and taxpayers paid the huge award and legal costs for this blatant CBC Libel action. Writers and filmmakers -this is a Perfect story for an award winning Documentary -ok - who would fund it and where would it air since the CBC owns the Documentary channel! Can you help? Please contact us.
cbcExposed continues to enjoy substantial visitors coming from Universities and Colleges across Canada who use us for research in debates, exams, etc.
We ask students to please join with us in this mission; you have the power to make a difference! And so can private broadcasters who we know are hurting from the dwindling Advertising revenue pool and the CBC taking money from that pool while also unfairly getting massive Tax subsidies money. It's time to stop being silent and start speaking up Bell-CTV, Shaw-Global, Rogers, etc.
Our cbcExposed Twitter followers and visitors to cbcExposed continue to motivate us to expose CBC’s abuse and waste of tax money as well as exposing their ongoing left wing bully-like anti-sematic news bias. Polls meanwhile show that Canadians favour selling the wasteful government owned media giant and to put our tax money to better use for all Canadians. The Liberals privatized Petro Canada and Air Canada; it’s time for the Trudeau Liberals to privatize the CBC- certainly not give them more of our tax money-enough is enough!
The CBC network’s ratings continue to plummet while their costs and our taxpayer bailout subsidies continue to go up! In 2021 what case can be made for the Government to be in the broadcasting business, competing unfairly with the private sector? The CBC receives advertising and cable/satellite fees-fees greater than CTV and Global but this is not enough for the greedy CBC who also receive more than a billion dollars of your tax money every year. That’s about $100,000,000 (yes, $100 MILLION) of our taxes taken from your pay cheques every 30 days and with no CBC accountability to taxpayers.
Wake up! What does it take for real change at the CBC? YOU! Our blog contains a link to the Politicians contact info for you to make your voice heard. Act now and contact your MP, the Cabinet and Prime Minister ... tell them to stop wasting your money on a biased, failing media service, and ... sell the CBC.
CBC seems to have a double standard about public accountability
The vigour the agency’s journalists are bringing to chase the Mike Duffy-Prime Minister’s Office fiasco playing out in Ottawa is an example of this reporting tradition. In doing its media work, the CBC decries secrecy on public matters of public interest — often very conspicuously referencing government stonewalling it feels it encounters as part of its reporting on stories.
It should do what it can to draw attention to this issue and other public accountability matters connected to Canadian governments. However, the CBC seems to have a double standard about public accountability when it comes to behaving as a Crown corporation. A recent effort by The Record to have the costs made public that are associated with setting up the new CBC Radio and online station serving Waterloo Region went nowhere.
Read the full story.
CBC wasted close to a million dollars on a movie it will never broadcast
Mulroney: The Opera, which opened in theatres across Canada on Saturday, was started in partnership with CBC, but the Crown corporation's name doesn't appear in the credits. That's because it blew off the musical send-up of former prime minister Brian Mulroney over fear of political fallout.
"Yes, we were involved in the early development of Mulroney: The Opera. But as usual with our program development projects, we don't make those expenditures public," said CBC spokesman Jeff Keay.
Asked directly about claims from inside the film industry that CBC spent close to $1 million of taxpayers' money, the state broadcaster again refused to release any details.
CBC is fighting the information commissioner in court to stop the release of documents on several different files.
Read the full story.
There is no evidence to substantiate claims that Canada’s Prime Minister and his “most partisan supporters” deep down assign blame to Israel for the impasses and quarrels with the Palestinians, but MacDonald had no problem raising this question that serves to malign Israel, Canadian support for the Jewish state, and which exonerates Palestinian transgressions and elevates the Palestinian cause.
In response to the overwhelming response of HRC (Honest Reporting Canada) members who registered complaints with the CBC, Editor-in-Chief Jennifer McGuire defended Macdonald’s comments and altogether ignored his historical anti-Israel bias.
“CBC Journalistic Standards and Practices has very clear policies on its journalists expressing opinion: “Our value of impartiality precludes our news and current affairs staff from expressing their personal opinions on matters of controversy on all our platforms.”
“CBC policy is clear that even the perception of bias should be avoided.”
Read the full story.
CBC is in precarious position
Today's CRTC decision grants CBC a five-year licence that requires minimum amounts of Canadian programming overall and during prime time when most viewers are watching. The decision is silent on the precarious position the CBC is in concerning its future access to professional hockey ad revenue.
"Next year when its agreement with the NHL expires, the chances are very good that a competitor will win the right to Hockey Night in Canada. In this scenario, the CBC will face a cut to its bottom line of $200 million --"
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The CBC is coming under friendly fire
The broadcaster is refusing to air an ad - produced by the Friends of Canadian Broadcasting - over concerns it would jeopardize its neutrality.
On Monday, Friend's spokesman Ian Morrison expressed disappointment at CBC's rejection of the ad, which he maintained is meant to highlight how the Conservative government is "gradually transforming the CBC from an independent public broadcaster into something that is approaching a state broadcaster - the kind of thing you would associate with Russia, even today, with China, with Cuba."
Treasury Board spokesman Matthew Conway said the feds want to keep an eye on crown corporations to ensure they're "financially viable and costs are sustainable."
Morrision said the government has "no credibility" on the issue and that Friends plans to spend some $60,000 to air the ad. It has approached both CTV and TVA, a Sun News sister network.
The CBC receives roughly $1.1 billion in federal government funding annually.
Read the full story.
Things You'll Never See On The CBC
2013: Justin Trudeau's "teacher" ad aired on CBC's Hockey Night in Canada during the Ottawa/Philadelphia broadcast tonight, at least once. I must have missed Stephen Harper's visit to Rideau Hall earlier today.
Do YOU see a double standard here?
Read all of the comments!
We don’t work for ‘union bosses,’ Tories say, taking aim at CBC
... the government position was expressed by Parliamentary Secretary Pierre Poilievre, an MP Prime Minister Stephen Harper often relies on to stir controversy and speak for the government on hot files.
“I am not here to take marching orders from union bosses,” said Mr. Poilievre. “I represent taxpayers and frankly taxpayers expect us to keep costs under control so that we can keep taxes down. It is for those taxpayers that we work. Not union bosses.”
The national actors union ACTRA released a strongly worded statement Wednesday condemning what it described as the “Conservative government’s assault on CBC’s collective bargaining and journalistic independence.”
The union represents 22,000 professional performers and negotiates on their behalf with the CBC.
Read the full story.
CBC's Hubert Lacroix Warns Of Legal Showdown
Canadian Broadcasting Corp. chief executive Hubert Lacroix sent a letter to the Commons finance committee today, pleading for an amendment to the budget implementation bill to ensure the broadcaster's independence.
But when Liberal MP Scott Brison read parts of the letter to Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, the minister stiffly dismissed any possibility of changes to the bill.
"The CBC may think it is a special, independent, Crown agency. This is wrong," Flaherty said.
"All Crown agencies have a responsibility through ministers, back to Parliament, to the people of Canada. They can't do whatever they want, particularly with taxpayers money. They can't just go off and pay their executives and pay everybody else whatever they want to pay them."
Read the full story.
Conflict of interest for David Suzuki and CBC?
The CBC has a rule that on-air personalities, both freelance and full-time, remain politically neutral and never endorse political candidates.
“(Employees) are restricted from engaging in political activity defined as running for public office or publicly supporting a candidate,” the rule reads.
Conservative MP Rob Anders is crying foul.
“It shows a collusion, it shows a conflict of interest and I think both the CBC and Suzuki are playing favourites, and I think it’s a scandalous abuse of taxpayer funds.”
Read the full story.
CBC - Hubert Lacroix’s game: Sacrifice a pawn to save your king
This is how forthright he can now be: Asked at the town hall if he will guarantee there will be no more job losses after the current round of 650 ends in 2015, Lacroix says plainly, “Absolutely not. You know that. Because in the normal course of any organization, as you evolve and you get better, things change.”
“It used to be that CBC was for people growing up like me, or Radio-Canada, it was everything. It was sports, it was news, it was Bobino,” he explains. “Now? Radio-Canada can’t be that. For the people who are growing up, it might be sports, it might be radio, it might be online, it might be our news, it might be Toc toc toc, but it needs to be something special for everybody out there.
“If we can’t create this relationship,” he says, “then we fail and we’re not relevant and we go.”
Read the full story.
Since when do CBC personalities promote the idea of "none is too many"?
Recently, Cherry gave an interview to a newspaper in France. The interviewer asked Cherry about immigration. Did he support a policy, espoused by some extremists in Australia, of zero immigration? Cherry's reply was shocking:
"Oh, I think Canada is full too! Although it's the second largest country in the world, our surface area has been reduced. Our immigration policy is disgusting: We plunder southern countries by depriving them of future leaders, and we want to increase our population to support economic growth. It's crazy!"
Just joking! It wasn't Don Cherry who gave that interview to a French newspaper. It was his fellow CBC star, David Suzuki. But other than that, every word above is accurate.
Since when do CBC personalities promote the idea of "none is too many"? That was the unofficial motto of Canada's immigration platform in the 1940s that barred the doors to Jews seeking to flee the Holocaust.
Read the full story.
CBC outsources to a labour force scattered all over the globe
In March of 2008 the news site added a user commenting forum, that can be seen at the bottom of most news and sports stories.
On June 25th 2013 the CBC unveiled the newest version of it's forum software amid some surprise and a storm of objections, drawing nearly 2200 comments about the forums themselves.
In a blog post of June 26, 2013 Jennifer McGuire, CBC's editor in chief gives us some idea what is involved in moderation of such an active forum. She tells us the forums receive up to 300,000 comments a month and often can peak at 1,000 per hour on active stories. She also tells us that about 75 to 80 percent of the comments they receive are published.
A little bit of simple math begs the question: What happens to the other 20 to 25%?
Ms Mcguire also tells us the CBC does not do the actual moderation. Like the software, this is outsourced. This time, to a company named ICUC Moderation which is based in Winnepeg, Manitoba. ICUC in turn employs "telecommuters", outsourcing their own labour force to people scattered all over the globe. A comment posted in Ontario might be moderated in Argentina.
Having looked into this I believe the problem is structural, a result of "double outsourcing":
1 - The individuals doing moderation are scattered all over the globe. By virtue of distance it is difficult to envision each moderator receiving proper training... or any training at all.
2 - ICUC management is one step removed from the stream of individual comments. It is not possible for them to adequately oversee the comment by comment decisions of each Moderator. Thus; it is entirely possible that some moderators will "game the system", meeting quotas to get their paycheque, or moderate in unfair, even biased ways without ICUC knowing about it.
3 - In particular the common practice of disallowing comments about moderation leaves one to think they are hiding widespread user dissatisfaction from their bosses.
Since the CBC is two steps removed from the actual moderation, it is beyond unlikely they would catch a bad moderator -or company- until someone brings it to their attention.
If you experience questionable moderation of your comments, here are a few people you can write to about it:
- The CBC's content moderator
- Andrew Yates, Producer, Community team
- Jennifer McGuire Editor in Chief
- Hubert T. Lacroix President and CEO
Being more than two steps removed from the moderation process, it is very unlikely that any of these people will know about the problem unless we bring it to their attention.
Read the full story.
CBC job posting: "any race except Caucasian" can apply
The broadcaster removed the line Monday after it drew public ire. The CBC attributed its being posted initially to human error.
Read the full story.
Ottawa MD (Dr. Frans Leenen) makes legal history with huge libel award against CBC
In a blistering judgement released Apr. 20, Mr. Justice J.D. Cunningham of the Ontario Superior Court found the fifth estate guilty of acting with malice against the Ottawa hypertension specialist. He ordered the CBC to pay Leenen $950 000 in general, aggravated and punitive damages, plus his legal costs. Richard Dearden, one of the Ottawa lawyers who has represented Leenen since his suit was launched in 1996, says those costs will total more than $1 million.
In an interview at the Ottawa Heart Institute, where he serves as director of the Hypertension Unit — he is also a professor of medicine and pharmacology at the University of Ottawa — Leenen described how the show changed his life. "There was a change in the way colleagues perceived me," he recalls. "It was almost as if there had been a death in the family. And in a way it was very much like there had been a [professional] death."
Leenen says a researcher's integrity and independence are his most valuable assets, and the CBC tried to destroy both. "This program," he says, "said I was beholden to the drug companies."
Read the full story.
CBC was ordered to pay close to $1 million in damages to medical scientist Dr. Frans Leenen
Two years ago, the CBC was ordered to pay close to $1 million in damages to medical scientist Dr. Frans Leenen of the University of Ottawa because of a story that ran on the investigative program the fifth estate.
It was also told to pay another $200,000 in damages to a Toronto cardiologist, Dr. Martin Myers.
The two doctors had sued the CBC over a story about the safety of heart medication that had been broadcast in 1996.
They accused the investigative report of being malicious, unfair, defamatory and sensationalized.
The CBC said it respects the court's decision, but expressed concern that important guidelines about investigative journalism will not be reviewed by the top justices.
It's not clear how much the CBC will have to pay in the end, because the corporation is still adding up court-ordered damages, legal fees, and other costs. The total is expected to be several million dollars.
Read the full story.
"unbiased reporter" actually "considered an employee" of CBC
Jennifer Ditchburn has provided extensive coverage of CBC, often writing highly favourable stories, without ever revealing that she is on its payroll.
According to CBC's own documents, Ditchburn is considered an employee.
Read the full story.
CBC Radio-Canada reports failed to show balance, impartiality, and accuracy
Tourangeau overturned a finding by the state broadcaster's complaints department that had largely dismissed complaints from Honest Reporting Canada over five reports on Mideast issues aired last December. Tourangeau found the reports failed to show balance, impartiality, and accuracy as required by Radio-Canada's own journalistic standards.
Read the full story.
What do CBC president Hubert Lacroix and former U.S. president Richard Nixon have in common?
They both kept lists of their enemies.
The fact Richard Nixon kept a list of his enemies was revealed during the Watergate hearings. CBC’s enemies list has been revealed through a series of access-to-information requests.
Read the full story.
CBC's top executives holding meetings in luxury hotels and resorts
Stays in expensive resorts topped the bill. More than $21,600 was spent sending 21 CBC and Radio-Canada human resources managers and senior executives to the ritzy Chateau Beauvallon in Mont-Tremblant, Que., for two days. The limo costs alone for one vice-president amounted to $1,009.94.
But the award-winning lakeside retreat complete with spa didn't make the cut for dinner.
CBC managers headed to a neighbouring resort where, according to its website, "there is only one reason to come to Auberge Sauvignon: To be pampered and treated like royalty." That's where they dropped $1,612.93 on supper.
Read the full story.
CBC Exposed: CBC's message: Shut up, pay up
But not the CBC.
The CBC is once again threatening to sue the federal government, which is its employer, and then have the federal government's employer, which is you, the taxpayer, pay its invoice.
Excuse us. Make that two invoices.
Since the federal government is also publicly funded by you, it will again be you paying its legal bill as well.
It's a lose-lose for you.
Read the full story.
CBC Exposed - CBC reporter Neil Macdonald uses CBC resources to attack Israel
In an analysis piece published on the CBC’s website on June 6, Macdonald included the following irrelevant smear against Israel and Canadian support for the Jewish state (emphasis added): “In Canada, do Stephen Harper and his most partisan supporters actually think, down deep, that Israel may actually bear some of the blame for its troubles with the Palestinians?”
Apart from being gratuitous, this question disguised personal opinion as news by phrasing declarative statements into questions.
There is no evidence to substantiate claims that Canada’s Prime Minister and his “most partisan supporters” deep down assign blame to Israel for the impasses and quarrels with the Palestinians, but MacDonald has no problem raising this question that serves to malign Israel, Canadian support for the Jewish state, and which exonerates Palestinian transgressions and elevates the Palestinian cause.
But wait, aren’t CBC journalists tasked to be politically neutral and to embargo their personal views in their professional work? Macdonald’s apparent preoccupation with Israel seems to be the exception to the rule allowing him to use CBC resources to attack Israel, time and again.
Read the full story.
Rick McGinnis reviews Brian Lilley's CBC Exposed
While funding all of this and more with taxpayer money, the CBC has been pointedly unwilling to share details of its own spending, pleading the need for journalistic immunity and protection from their competitors in the media marketplace.
Read the full review.