The CBC continues to operate in a wasteful, bias manner serving the socialist left wing mandate only while continuing to lose viewers and advertising revenues. Scandals continue. An unsettling, ugly anti Semitic movement has grown in the CBC News operation, history experts will know that this troubling bias can have devastating results for our country. Act now- contact your MP, the PMO and the CBC to stop this frightening socialist anti Semitic driven bias now.
Disgruntled CBC workers continue to confidentially share their stories with us, reports of management snooping, waste, huge salaries for select senior management, content bias, low employee morale continue in 2021 and we will expose these activities in our blog while protecting our whistleblower contacts. We take joy in knowing that the CBC-HQ visits us daily to spy on us, read our stories and to find out who owns our for the Canadian people blog.
One of our most popular posts continues to be the epic Dr. Leenen case against the Fifth Estate (the largest libel legal case ever awarded against the media in Canadian history) yet where no one at CBC was fired and taxpayers paid the huge award and legal costs for this blatant CBC Libel action. Writers and filmmakers -this is a Perfect story for an award winning Documentary -ok - who would fund it and where would it air since the CBC owns the Documentary channel! Can you help? Please contact us.
cbcExposed continues to enjoy substantial visitors coming from Universities and Colleges across Canada who use us for research in debates, exams, etc.
We ask students to please join with us in this mission; you have the power to make a difference! And so can private broadcasters who we know are hurting from the dwindling Advertising revenue pool and the CBC taking money from that pool while also unfairly getting massive Tax subsidies money. It's time to stop being silent and start speaking up Bell-CTV, Shaw-Global, Rogers, etc.
Our cbcExposed Twitter followers and visitors to cbcExposed continue to motivate us to expose CBC’s abuse and waste of tax money as well as exposing their ongoing left wing bully-like anti-sematic news bias. Polls meanwhile show that Canadians favour selling the wasteful government owned media giant and to put our tax money to better use for all Canadians. The Liberals privatized Petro Canada and Air Canada; it’s time for the Trudeau Liberals to privatize the CBC- certainly not give them more of our tax money-enough is enough!
The CBC network’s ratings continue to plummet while their costs and our taxpayer bailout subsidies continue to go up! In 2021 what case can be made for the Government to be in the broadcasting business, competing unfairly with the private sector? The CBC receives advertising and cable/satellite fees-fees greater than CTV and Global but this is not enough for the greedy CBC who also receive more than a billion dollars of your tax money every year. That’s about $100,000,000 (yes, $100 MILLION) of our taxes taken from your pay cheques every 30 days and with no CBC accountability to taxpayers.
Wake up! What does it take for real change at the CBC? YOU! Our blog contains a link to the Politicians contact info for you to make your voice heard. Act now and contact your MP, the Cabinet and Prime Minister ... tell them to stop wasting your money on a biased, failing media service, and ... sell the CBC.
CBC uses YOUR tax dollars to compete unfairly
The CBC's subsidy does not just confront private sector firms with a $1.1-billion rival. Money that comes in for free is more like profit than income, a balance sheet item that provides breathing room. At a reasonable 6% profit rate, that subsidy gives the CBC the freedom of an $18-billion-a-year competitor to every other media company including the Sun's parent company, Quebecor, Inc. Except the CBC gets this "profit" whether it makes good decisions or not, so it can afford to sell below cost to dominate markets, experiment aggressively, and laugh off failures. The rest of us pay for every blunder.
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CBC staff send Hubert Lacroix open letter
Subject: CBC English Services Is In Crisis
Dear Mr. President,
A concerned group of staff are writing to inform you that CBC English Radio and Television are in a state of crisis and desperately require intervention.
Our current managerial structure seems to have been inspired by the mythical hydra whose many heads frequently consumed one another.
Sadly, these are ugly times and we recognize that were the authors of this letter ever to be identified, our careers, incomes and pensions would all be jeopardized. As such, we regret to inform you that this email account will be deactivated as soon as this letter has been sent.
Mr. President, morale at every conceivable level of CBC English Services is at an all-time low. As such, it has become necessary to publicly declare that “Rome is officially burning.” What is desperately needed now are more fire fighters and less fiddlers throughout CBC’s management system.
Yours in dismay,
Concerned CBC staff
Read the full letter.
Who at CBC makes more than $100,000 a year
While we don't know exact figures, you can bet those two gentlemen are among the 730 CBC employees who earn more than $100,000 a year.
While the CBC did disclose that approximately 730 employees are paid more than $100,000 a year, the taxpayer funded corporation won't tell Parliament who they are and exactly how much they earn.
The only employee whose salary range and expenses the broadcaster was willing to divulge was CBC/Radio-Canada President Hubert Lacroix. The CBC said Lacroix's salary, set by the Governor in Council, was between $358,400 and $421,600 in 2011.
Lacroix is also provided with a 2011 Ford Taurus and a driver who earns between $34,000 and $56,500, according to the iPolitics report.
Read the full story.
cbcExposed - CBC only tells one side of the story
Hubert Lacroix says CBC is different
Canadian Broadcasting Corp. chief executive Hubert Lacroix sent a letter to the Commons finance committee today, pleading for an amendment to the budget implementation bill to ensure the broadcaster's independence.
The government has presented the measure as part of efforts to control costs at a time of fiscal austerity, bringing Crown corporations under the same broad restraint program that has been imposed on public servants.
But the CBC is different, Lacroix writes. The Broadcasting Act gives the CBC's board of directors "explicit authority" to determine salaries, and specifies that employees of the broadcaster are not public servants.
Flaherty said the CBC may be independent in the way it conducts its journalism, but not on budgetary matters.
Read the full story.
CBC pays $18 million to employees who don't show up to work
A report prepared for CBC's board of directors — which QMI Agency obtained through Access to Information — shows CBC workers were absent almost twice as often as private sector workers in fiscal year 2010-2011.
According to the document, CBC employees were absent from work an average of 16.5 days.
The total cost to taxpayers for absenteeism at the state broadcaster was $17.7 million for the year.
The report cites mental disorders as the leading cause of absenteeism (31% of all short-term absences and 44.6% of all long-term absences).
Read the full story.
Corruption at heart of CBC
“We’ve been reporting a lot on ineligible expense claims by public officials, now we have a story in our own backyard,” CBC reporter Rosemary Barton reported on Friday.
This story is the tip of the iceberg of the corruption at the heart of Canada’s publicly funded broadcaster. Much like the BBC on which it is modeled, the CBC is hiding its secrets from public scrutiny through deception and lawyers. The CBC spends more than $3 million every year for external lawyers to hide issues like this, along with an extensive internal legal department.
Read the full story.
CBC President Hubert Lacroix action unconscionable
CBC President Hubert Lacroix announced Friday that he quietly paid back $29,678.11 in inappropriate expenses last fall. The admittance came on the weekend, of course, when bad news is vetted to the press by media-savvy types.
Sun News host Brian Lilley reported last week that Lacroix repaid the expenses, incurred for hotels, meals and other expenses for work at CBC headquarters in Ottawa, away from his home in Montreal. Lacroix's annual salary is between $350,000 and $421,000, and includes a $1,500 monthly living allowance, club memberships and a car allowance. He had been wrongly claiming accommodation costs since being appointed in 2008.
That Lacroix didn't make public his repayment until the weekend is unconscionable, particularly since he paid it back months ago. This is not just an admittance of error, but an astounding lack of judgment.
Lacroix has but one move to make: Resign. Immediately. And if he doesn't, then the CBC itself should demand that he steps down.
Read the full story.
The CBC has been criticized for not releasing salaries
Conway, the Art Gallery of Ontario’s chief business officer, has been appointed head of the CBC’s English language services.
As an employee of the Ontario government, Conway’s AGO salary of $308,000 is public. When she starts her CBC job in December, it won’t be.
Conway is fine with having her salary disclosed under Ontario law. “It’s trying to find that balance between people’s privacy and accountability for taxpayers dollars.”
The CBC has been criticized for not releasing salaries of top employees, which are paid by taxpayers. Instead it has given ranges for some executives, a policy that Conway says works, even though she is not averse to having hers revealed.
“I think it’s fair. It gives people a good picture without violating people’s privacy.”
Her boss, CBC/Radio-Canada president Hubert Lacroix, has had a salary range between $358,400 and $421,600. Conway’s range, according to the CBC, is $173,000 to $375,000.
QUESTION: As taxpayers we pay those salaries. Shouldn't we know how much we pay them? It's our money!
Read the full story.
CBC's Hubert Lacroix’s blunder threatens an intangible Canadian value
This comes at a bad time for the CBC, as Lacroix spoke recently of “dark clouds on the horizon” for the public broadcasting company, and Canadians may see a very different CBC in the coming years, if at all. This is in reference to recent government funding cuts to the CBC, and Lacroix’s mistake hasn’t helped the situation.
So far, this blunder has cost taxpayers a minuscule waste of money if you put it in context with other government inefficiencies, but Lacroix’s blunder threatens an intangible Canadian value: the preservation of our national identity. Our indifferent attitude to subjects like this is something that needs to change.
Should Lacroix be suspended? Absolutely. Should he be fined? Definitely. Should he be fired? Maybe.
Read the full story.
CBC's Peter Mansbridge paid by interest groups
The CBC's ombudsman finds no problem with Peter Mansbridge taking money to speak before an oil lobby group but says the public broadcaster should "think about the appearance of getting paid by interest groups who are likely to feature prominently in the news."
Read the full story.
The CBC's ombudsman finds no problem ... do YOU?
Hubert Lacroix expense claims are fair game
The CBC president is to meet with senators on the transport and communications committee Wednesday evening to discuss challenges facing the public broadcaster, which recently warned its staff of deep cuts because of a cash crunch. It’s the first time Lacroix will face senators, who recently launched the study of the future of the CBC given the digital evolution in broadcasting and communications.
A Tory senator on the committee said Lacroix’s expense claims are fair game, as it also probes the CBC’s work on transparency and governance. Considering the bipartisan study of the CBC just launched, it’s likely that the committee will want to hear from Lacroix again in the coming months — including updates on expense claims.
Read the full story.
CBC President Hubert Lacroix involved in a cover-up
CBC President Hubert Lacroix waited until Sun Media revealed his expense double-dipping and then issued a bland statement that conceals most of the details. Lacroix told the Senate on February 26th, 2014 “An error was made by me and by the corporation in the way my Ottawa business expenses were reimbursed, expenses that had been signed off, posted, and audited quarterly….I voluntarily paid back every cent. ”
Of course there is much more to the story than what he told us. Lacroix is perpetuating the cover-up by leaving out important details. The public expect the media to ask Lacroix questions but reporters are silent. When Brian Lilley of Sun Media tried to ask Lacroix 2 questions, CBC’s President Lacroix ran off into the night.
Who in Canada will push this story to find the truth? The CBC is incapable of reporting on their own President.
Read the full story.
CBC President Hubert Lacroix should resign
CBC President Hubert Lacroix announced Friday that he quietly paid back $29,678.11 in inappropriate expenses last fall. The admittance came on the weekend, of course, when bad news is vetted to the press by media-savvy types.
That Lacroix didn't make public his repayment until the weekend is unconscionable, particularly since he paid it back months ago. This is not just an admittance of error, but an astounding lack of judgment.
Lacroix has but one move to make: Resign. And if he doesn't, then the CBC itself should demand that he steps down.
Wait a minute: Isn't it the CBC that continually leads the charge against the grave, egregious sins of senators who make bogus expense claims? The CBC has been persistent in pointing out the wrongdoings of senators Mike Duffy, Mac Harb Patrick Brazeau and Pamela Wallin, which they should have done.
These senators, who drew from the public purse, have either resigned or been expelled. Why should it be any different for Lacroix? It's still public money.
Read the full story.
CBC should adopt PBS model
Research firm Abacus Data conducted an online survey and found that 53% of participants want to see CBC's operating costs cut and for the broadcaster to operate through advertising and viewer contributions. PBS, the Public Broadcasting Service, is an American non-profit television network which operates under this model.
Other Abacus findings indicate Canadians aren't opposed to Crown corporations competing directly with private business but most believe these companies should not receive any funding or special status.
Only one in 10 Canadians believe there should be no caps on Crown corporations who compete directly with private companies.
CBC/Radio-Canada receives $1.1 billion in federal funding annual, even though a majority of Canadians surveyed had no clue about how much money the broadcaster receives.
Read the full story.
CBC President Hubert Lacroix violates CBC's own bylaws
Last summer, in the middle of a national uproar over the Senate expense scandal, CBC President Hubert Lacroix quietly paid back $29,678.11 in inappropriate expenses.
It seems that Lacroix was also double dipping when it came to having taxpayers foot the bill for his lifestyle.
Lacroix, a Montreal lawyer, chose not to move to Ottawa when he took the job of CBC president in October 2007. Instead he negotiated an extra $1,500 a month in after-tax income as a “living allowance” to be paid on top of his salary. Now we don’t know what Lacroix’s exact salary is because CBC refuses to say, but they do admit the range is between $350,000 and $421,000, not counting an annual six-figure bonus and other perks such as a car allowance and club memberships.
Yet somehow that wasn’t enough of your money so Lacroix ended up submitting expense claims for his trips to Ottawa even though that clearly violates CBC’s own bylaws.
Read the full story.
CBC’s Senior Washington correspondent attacks Israel
The central thrust of Macdonald’s March 3 CBC National report was that Obama’s criticism of the Russian move into the Crimea stood in violation of international law which, according to Macdonald, is hypocritical.
CBC journalists are tasked to be politically neutral and to embargo their personal views in their professional work. Macdonald’s apparent obsession with Israel seems to be the exception to the rule, allowing him to use CBC resources to attack Israel, time and again.
Read the full story.
CBC President Hubert Lacroix caught cheating
This story is almost identical to Senator’s Wallin and Duffy. They were claiming dubious expenses, sometimes claiming items that were duplicates and billed to others. Wallin and Duffy claimed the forms were hard to understand but Wallin’s and Duffy’s signatures were on the expense claims.
CBC President Lacroix signed his expense claims as well. Only he knew he was already getting paid the per diem. The CBC auditors claim they didn’t know.
Read the full story.
CBC double standard
Yet that's what state broadcaster CEO Hubert Lacroix said at a Wednesday senate committee meeting.
Why don't we know how much Lacroix makes? Or Peter Mansbridge, for that matter? They're both paid by the public dime.
Lacroix answered this question by saying to the committee their industry is competitive and, besides, it would violate privacy legislation.
Well Ontario taxpayers know how much TVO broadcaster Steve Paikin is paid. It's on the sunshine list. Arms length agency employees fall under that disclosure. And the sky hasn't fallen because of it.
But don't forget this paper trail, as Brian Lilley noted in a Wednesday blog post: "It's also worth remembering that CBC knew about this double-dipping of taxpayer funds last summer. Hubie repaid in the fall. The board was given a report in October and yet CBC didn't make anything public until February after we filed an access to information request on the issue."
Wait a second? Claims improper expense rules, then repays, then says sorry ... Sound familiar?
Mike Duffy and Pamela Wallin repaid their improper claims. But then they were still suspended!
So where's the outrage over Lacroix? Talk about a double standard.
Read the full story.
CBC President Hubert Lacroix can’t face reporters
It’s a scene we have all seen before. A high official caught double-dipping their expenses and refusing to answer journalists questions and runs from the cameras.
Last year it was high-flying ex-members of the Canadian Senate Pamela Wallin and Mike Duffy. This year’s sequel stars none other than the head of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation whose news division hounded Wallin and Duffy for more than 10 months on the same subject.
During the last 3 months of the Senate scandal, CBC was hiding its own expense scandal.
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CBC President Hubert Lacroix double dipping
In spite of taking a $1,500-per-month after-tax living allowance to cover his trips to Ottawa, Lacroix also submitted receipts for reimbursement pocketing an extra $29,678 in ineligible expenses.
That’s on top of his salary, which ranges between $358,400 and $421,600 per year plus perks.
Despite his claims of promoting transparency, Lacroix’s tenure at CBC has been one of trying to keep the public from knowing how tax dollars are spent.
Read the full story.