The CBC continues to operate in a wasteful, bias manner serving the socialist left wing mandate only while continuing to lose viewers and advertising revenues. Scandals continue. An unsettling, ugly anti Semitic movement has grown in the CBC News operation, history experts will know that this troubling bias can have devastating results for our country. Act now- contact your MP, the PMO and the CBC to stop this frightening socialist anti Semitic driven bias now.

Disgruntled CBC workers continue to confidentially share their stories with us, reports of management snooping, waste, huge salaries for select senior management, content bias, low employee morale continue in 2021 and we will expose these activities in our blog while protecting our whistleblower contacts. We take joy in knowing that the CBC-HQ visits us daily to spy on us, read our stories and to find out who owns our for the Canadian people blog.

One of our most popular posts continues to be the epic Dr. Leenen case against the Fifth Estate (the largest libel legal case ever awarded against the media in Canadian history) yet where no one at CBC was fired and taxpayers paid the huge award and legal costs for this blatant CBC Libel action. Writers and filmmakers -this is a Perfect story for an award winning Documentary -ok - who would fund it and where would it air since the CBC owns the Documentary channel! Can you help? Please contact us.

cbcExposed continues to enjoy substantial visitors coming from Universities and Colleges across Canada who use us for research in debates, exams, etc.

We ask students to please join with us in this mission; you have the power to make a difference! And so can private broadcasters who we know are hurting from the dwindling Advertising revenue pool and the CBC taking money from that pool while also unfairly getting massive Tax subsidies money. It's time to stop being silent and start speaking up Bell-CTV, Shaw-Global, Rogers, etc.

Our cbcExposed Twitter followers and visitors to cbcExposed continue to motivate us to expose CBC’s abuse and waste of tax money as well as exposing their ongoing left wing bully-like anti-sematic news bias. Polls meanwhile show that Canadians favour selling the wasteful government owned media giant and to put our tax money to better use for all Canadians. The Liberals privatized Petro Canada and Air Canada; it’s time for the Trudeau Liberals to privatize the CBC- certainly not give them more of our tax money-enough is enough!

The CBC network’s ratings continue to plummet while their costs and our taxpayer bailout subsidies continue to go up! In 2021 what case can be made for the Government to be in the broadcasting business, competing unfairly with the private sector? The CBC receives advertising and cable/satellite fees-fees greater than CTV and Global but this is not enough for the greedy CBC who also receive more than a billion dollars of your tax money every year. That’s about $100,000,000 (yes, $100 MILLION) of our taxes taken from your pay cheques every 30 days and with no CBC accountability to taxpayers.

Wake up! What does it take for real change at the CBC? YOU! Our blog contains a link to the Politicians contact info for you to make your voice heard. Act now and contact your MP, the Cabinet and Prime Minister ... tell them to stop wasting your money on a biased, failing media service, and ... sell the CBC.

CBC biased against Tories

The Conservative Party says it won't take bunk from the CBC and will continue to fundraise on the back of what it perceives as biased coverage.

Tory spokesman Cory Hann responded to the letter and said no media organization can dictate how the Conservative party raises funds.

"When the CBC is being biased against our party in their 'news' coverage, we will never hesitate to inform Canadians. Nor will we hesitate to continue insisting the CBC focus on providing value for money for taxpayers."

Read the full story.

CBC President Hubert Lacroix Failed

With fears mounting of sharp staff cuts and a hefty budget shortfall at the CBC, at least one critic is questioning whether the public broadcaster could have done more to avert its financial woes.

Arms-length watchdog group Friends of Canadian Broadcasting made the charge in advance of a townhall meeting set for Thursday, where CBC president Hubert Lacroix was to brief employees on “financial pressures” that lie ahead.

Watchdog spokesman Ian Morrison grumbled Wednesday that the public broadcaster has long known reduced federal funds, a softening advertising market, the expense of the Sochi Olympics and the potential loss of hockey broadcast rights could put them in a tough spot for the 2014-2015 budget.

Morrison took greater issue with Lacroix, who he considers “a patronage appointment” who failed to come up with a clear vision for CBC’s future.

Read the full story.

CBC VP Says More Cuts Coming

Be prepared for more cuts at the CBC, says the head of the public broadcaster's English-language services.

"Are there more cuts to come? Absolutely. We have to deal with a really significant challenge in front of us. That means there will be more cuts and a smaller CBC," says Heather Conway ...

"How do we privilege the programming and try and do things with less? is the idea. It won't be about cutting the schedule," she says.

That's going to be a tricky proposition. How Conway will be able to do more with less while protecting Canadian programs is the most challenging job in television. But she is clear that there will be more pain to come for employees at the broadcaster.

The new boss of English services has been on the job for barely six months, but she has already been thrust into one of the most turbulent periods at the broadcaster, with the recent loss of hockey rights to Rogers and a significant downsizing in the workforce.

Read the full story.

Not best of times for CBC

Heather Conway is fairly certain nobody wants to stab her in the back just yet.

Give it some time. It has been less than seven months since Conway became the executive vice-president of CBC’s English services, giving her responsibility for CBC-TV, CBC News Network, the documentary channel, Radio One and 2,, other digital operations, and more than $750-million in annual spending. 

And in case you haven’t been paying attention, these are not the best of times for CBC.

Potential critics have been warming up in the wings. Within days of her appointment last fall, some began grousing that Conway – a former marketing executive with no direct programming experience – was a dismaying choice for one of the most powerful broadcasting jobs.

Read the full story.

CBC Exposed Book a Canadian Bestseller

CBC Exposed, by Brian Lilley, is a book like no other.  It was named as Political Book of the Year and is now a Canadian Bestseller!

This book takes on the holy grail of the Canadian media landscape and lays bare the truth about CBC.

Reckless reporting at the state broadcaster has ruined lives and cost taxpayers millions upon millions in settlement costs yet no one has ever been held to account.

This book does what the consensus media cowards are afraid to do, tell the truth about CBC.

From reporting driven by vendettas to outright biases against conservatives, gun owners, Israel and any other group that doesn't fit their vision of Canada, CBC Exposed is a call to action to rein in this broadcasting giant.

Once you read this book you too will be convinced that the only way to tame the beast is to sell it.

CBC cuts jobs while giving away music

Despite a parliamentary mandate to provide radio and television services to Canadians in exchange for an annual $1.1 billion subsidy, CBC says it will shift more of its resources to web and mobile productions while cutting core services.

By 2020, the CBC could also shed as many as 1,500 jobs through retirement and attrition. The plan also calls for selling off as much as two million square feet of real estate.

In 2012, CBC launched a free online music-streaming service that competes not only with private radio, but other commercial services offering similar products for a fee.

While the service is free to listeners that doesn't mean it is free to taxpayers. CBC pays royalties for each song it plays.

Read the full story.

CBC Airs Unsubstantiated Video

CBC National Airs Unsubstantiated Video Alleging Israeli Sniper Killed Palestinian Civilian

Honest Reporting Canada has brought our concerns to the CBC’s attention regarding CBC National’s July 21 airing of a video created by the International Solidarity Movement that it claims shows an Israeli sniper killing an innocent Palestinian man in Gaza.

While CBC prefaced this report with a “warning of graphic images” it did not acknowledge that CBC is unable to verify the authenticity of this video, nor did it verbally tell CBC viewers that the creators of the video are hardcore anti-Israel activists and that the veracity of anything it produces must be questioned. All CBC noted in a super was that this was an “Int’l Solidary Movement Video”. Even Al-Jazeera noted that it can’t confirm the video’s credibility.

Read the full story.

New CBC five-year strategy universally critisized

There's some good in the CBC's five-year plan, but also a lot of bad, including the defeatism that has marked network president Hubert Lacroix's tenure.

There has been near universal criticism of the new five-year strategy announced recently by CBC. The Star called the strategy foolish. The Globe and Mail poked fun at its bureaucratic jargon and underlying philosophy. The Friends of Canadian Broadcasting, among others, called for the resignation of CBC President Hubert Lacroix.

So where does CBC, especially its president, go from here? Hubert Lacroix could follow the advice of his staff and others and resign. His record is dismal. In constant dollars funding from government has declined steadily since he was appointed in 2008.

Read the full story.

Senior CBC filmmaker charged with four counts of voyeurism

A senior CBC filmmaker faces accusations that he hid cameras in his Toronto apartment and captured images of unaware guests in their most intimate moments.

Toronto Police investigators executed a search warrant Thursday at The Esplanade-George St. area apartment of Ian Campbell, a 61-year-old associate director with the CBC’s Toronto-based documentary unit. 

The accusations come just months after another CBC employee was hit with similar allegations.

Campbell, meanwhile, has been charged with four counts of voyeurism.

Read the full story.

CBC has ratings issues

With the NHL trade deadline come and gone, many media pundits have declared that George Stroumboulopoulos’ switch from CBC to Rogers is the biggest acquisition of the hockey season.

But the analogy falls short because of how little the CBC is getting in return for the trade of its star. The overarching effects of the CBC losing one of its most visible personalities is a signal that Canada’s public broadcaster is in trouble regarding television.

To make matters worse, HNIC accounted for 50 per cent of the advertising budget for CBC television and without that influx of cash the belts at the CBC just got even tighter.

Ratings have also been an issue for the CBC. Since August 2013, outside of HNIC and the Olympics, the station has only had four programs crack the top 30 weekly TV programs in the country according to broadcast measurement company BBM Canada. These are not promising stats for an organization that is looking to prove its worth to Canadians.

Read the full story.

CBC management are main culprits

It is painful to read former CBC staff and CBC apologists complain, grovel and try to justify the current programming’s poor quality on the lack of federal funding. When one considers that the CBC corporation still receives more than a billion dollars annually, I find their poor-mouthing and painful bleating to be self-serving.

The Harper government may be blamed for various perceived problems, however, the current CBC management are the main culprits for the decline of a once much admired, listened and viewed network. If the country’s other commercial main news and program networks are surviving well without a federal billion-dollar bounty, why are we always subject to the complaining and carping of current and former CBC staffers?

Read the full story.

How CBC is dealing with employee tension, rage and confusion

CANADALAND has obtained internal CBC documents illustrating how the organization is dealing with employee tension, rage and confusion.

The CBC work atmosphere has by all accounts hit a new low since the town hall, where employees hoped to learn whether or not they would be keeping their jobs. Instead, they were forced to endure President Hubert Lacroix's "Vision 2020" unveiling, a smokescreen of digital futurism bafflegab that obscured the painful truth, that 1500 unspecified positions will be eliminated over the next 5 years. While each employee waits to find out if they're getting the axe, they are expected to internalize and execute the CBC's "digital mantra", which will result in news content designed for phones and tablets, somehow (it has to do with "pillars" and "planks").

A couple of brave (doomed?) workers actually piped up to demand Lacroix's resignation for running the whole enterprise into the ground (he refused) and the whole affair was hustled to a premature close as questions were still being hurled at the stage.

Read the whole story.

CBC’s enemies working from within

The CBC’s enemies are not only circling their prey from the outside, including the Conservative government with its unrelenting budget cuts. Its enemies are also working from within. The CBC has a compliant board of directors overwhelmingly stacked with Conservative party donors and a president, also conservative, who appears ready to implement any budget cut in virtual silence. Lacroix delivered for the government Thursday.

Although confirming the CBC will cut up to 1,500 more jobs in the next five years, including CBC’s renowned documentary unit that produced Canada: A People’s History and other groundbreaking programs, he described it as “a good day, it’s an important day. This is a plan that’s going to work.”

Read the full story.

Friends say CBC President Hubert Lacroix should resign

The chorus of calls for CBC President Hubert Lacroix to resign are coming from his friends not his critics. 

“Lacroix should resign. He is helping Stephen Harper drive CBC into the ground.’ said Friends of Canadian Broadcasting spokesperson Ian Morrison.

 “Lacroix has but one move to make: Resign. And if he doesn’t, then the CBC itself should demand that he steps down” wrote The Citizen.

CEC President Hubert Lacroix should resign and the Harper government should find an executive who can grow the CBC from strength to strength. Lacroix is a lawyer who is way over his head and does not have a practical plan to make the CBC strong.

Read the full story.

CBC faces budget challenges at World Cup

Severe budget cuts mean that the CBC has a lot fewer boots on the ground than it did four years ago in South Africa, a challenge compounded by serious security woes fostered by violent protests in Brazil, the huge distance between host cities and the usual problems with unfinished venues and facilities.

``It's been a challenge," executive producer Paul McDougall said in reference to the recent budget cuts that followed the loss of Hockey Night In Canada.

McDougall says CBC's original plan called for about 15 more people to be in Brazil.

While CBC is stretched a little thin in some areas, viewers shouldn't notice anything lacking in game coverage.

Read the full story.

Time to re-evaluate CBC’s mandate

The CBC’s mandate says that it should “provide radio and television services incorporating a wide range of programming that informs, enlightens and entertains.” That comes from the Broadcasting Act, which was passed in 1991, when the CBC’s budget was $1.7 billion.

There’s nothing in that mandate about delivering news stories to mobile phones, a key part of the CBC’s new plan. That makes me nervous, since newspapers are desperately trying to make money from that. How can we do that if subsidized CBC reporters are giving away what we’re trying to sell?

CBC, in survival mode, must seek revenue where it can, but it’s past time for the government to re-evaluate its mandate and funding level, and figure out what role the CBC should play in the Internet era.

Read the full story.

Cheers follow call for CBC president to resign

The public broadcaster announced its five-year strategic plan Thursday as it grapples with a $130-million budget shortfall due to federal cuts, flagging advertising revenues and the loss of hockey rights to Rogers Media.

By 2020, the broadcaster plans to slash 1,000 to 1,500 jobs, although it says that goal will in part be fulfilled by retirements and attrition. These staff reductions are in addition to the 657 job cuts it announced in April.

In a heated town hall with employees, CBC president Hubert Lacroix faced calls to resign.

During the raucous town hall, Lacroix was grilled by employees. When union president Carmel Smyth suggested he "resign in protest" of the Conservative government's budget cuts, several cheers could be heard.

Read the full story.

CBC planning massive cuts

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is planning huge cuts to its workforce as part of a new strategic vision.

And that has prompted a furious reaction from the union and a group that promotes Canadian broadcasting.

In a video presentation to employees, CBC president and CEO Hubert Lacroix said the Crown corporation plans to have 1,000 to 1,500 fewer employees by 2020.

Marc-Philippe Laurin, president of the Canadian Media Guild branch at CBC, called these cuts "irreversible", charging that they will "permanently change" public broadcasting.

"We are shocked and outraged that 25 percent of the staff and half the real estate are being cut over the next five years," Laurin said on the union website.

Read the full story.

Calls for CBC President Hubert Lacroix to resign

Since CBC President Hubert Lacroix announced plans to "ensure the sustainability" of the public broadcaster by radically reducing staff and shifting its focus from television and radio to various forms of Internet delivery over the next five years, there has been a rising chorus of voices calling on him to resign.

"Focused, smaller, more mobile, more relevant," is how Lacroix describes the new CBC he envisions. He calls it a "public media company [that] focuses on partnering to develop content" as opposed to a conventional public broadcaster. And he says that, in the face of dwindling subsidies from the federal government and now a steep decline in revenue from advertisers, who are moving en masse to the Internet, he has no choice but to continue the progressive dismembering of the corporation.

If the CBC is indeed being driven into oblivion by Lacroix and his management team, with the complicity of the Board of Directors, who is morally culpable. Who do we blame?

In other words, what's wrong is wrong, whether at work or in private life, and "I'm just following orders" is never a justifiable reason for performing a morally dubious act.

Read the full story.

CBC to cut 25 per cent of staff

CBC president and CEO Hubert Lacroix, under fire for a massive and unprecedented downsizing of the Canadian public broadcaster, says he has no plans to resign from the top job anytime soon.

The CBC is at a crucial tipping point that some fear will lead to the eventual dismantlement of the broadcaster. And that has led to more outspoken stakeholders. At the meeting, Lacroix outlined the CBC’s strategy for the next five years that would see workforce downsized by about 25 per cent by 2020. “

We are shocked and outraged that 25 per cent of the staff, and half the real estate, are being cut over the next five years,” said Marc-Philippe Laurin, president of the CBC branch of the Canadian Media Guild.

Read the full story.

Peter Mansbridge against new CBC direction

CBC president and CEO Hubert Lacroix, unveiled the new five-year plan to staff at a town hall meeting on June 26, telling a less than receptive audience that the public broadcaster will be shifting resources out of its television and radio divisions to focus on new mobile-friendly content.

The CBC will be enhancing its market agility even further by slashing its in-house productions, depending far more on outside contractors for documentaries. The CBC’s studio facilities will be reduced to one, with the rest being rented out to other content producers.

The unions representing the production staff are clearly not happy with the plans, as are longtime CBC stalwarts such as Peter Mansbridge and David Suzuki who have placed their signatures on a letter decrying the moves.

Read the full story.

CBC admits to another error

On June 16, Honest Reporting Canada brought to the attention of CBC an error that was stated that morning on CBC Radio’s World Report program where journalist Yolande Knell erroneously claimed that “… no Palestinian militant group has said it’s responsible for the disappearance of the Israelis.”

However, as the Times of Israel reported, “an organization calling itself the “Liberators’ Battalion of Hebron” sent out a message to the press Saturday claiming it carried out the abduction of Gil-ad Shaar, 16, Naftali Frenkel, 16 and Eyal Yifrach, 19, in the Gush Etzion area near Hebron late Thursday night.”

In response to our complaint, CBC broadcast the following on-air correction on June 17: “We’d like to clarify a story we brought you yesterday. In our story about three Israeli teenagers who had been abducted, we said no Palestinian group had taken responsibility. In fact, several claims of responsibility were made in recent days from small organisations, including one by a purported Al Qaeda offshoot.”

We are pleased to note that following our intervention with the CBC, a directive was sent to CBC staff sensitizing them about the importance of being precise with their language.

Read the full story.