The CBC continues to operate in a wasteful, bias manner serving the socialist left wing mandate only while continuing to lose viewers and advertising revenues. Scandals continue. An unsettling, ugly anti Semitic movement has grown in the CBC News operation, history experts will know that this troubling bias can have devastating results for our country. Act now- contact your MP, the PMO and the CBC to stop this frightening socialist anti Semitic driven bias now.

Disgruntled CBC workers continue to confidentially share their stories with us, reports of management snooping, waste, huge salaries for select senior management, content bias, low employee morale continue in 2021 and we will expose these activities in our blog while protecting our whistleblower contacts. We take joy in knowing that the CBC-HQ visits us daily to spy on us, read our stories and to find out who owns our for the Canadian people blog.

One of our most popular posts continues to be the epic Dr. Leenen case against the Fifth Estate (the largest libel legal case ever awarded against the media in Canadian history) yet where no one at CBC was fired and taxpayers paid the huge award and legal costs for this blatant CBC Libel action. Writers and filmmakers -this is a Perfect story for an award winning Documentary -ok - who would fund it and where would it air since the CBC owns the Documentary channel! Can you help? Please contact us.

cbcExposed continues to enjoy substantial visitors coming from Universities and Colleges across Canada who use us for research in debates, exams, etc.

We ask students to please join with us in this mission; you have the power to make a difference! And so can private broadcasters who we know are hurting from the dwindling Advertising revenue pool and the CBC taking money from that pool while also unfairly getting massive Tax subsidies money. It's time to stop being silent and start speaking up Bell-CTV, Shaw-Global, Rogers, etc.

Our cbcExposed Twitter followers and visitors to cbcExposed continue to motivate us to expose CBC’s abuse and waste of tax money as well as exposing their ongoing left wing bully-like anti-sematic news bias. Polls meanwhile show that Canadians favour selling the wasteful government owned media giant and to put our tax money to better use for all Canadians. The Liberals privatized Petro Canada and Air Canada; it’s time for the Trudeau Liberals to privatize the CBC- certainly not give them more of our tax money-enough is enough!

The CBC network’s ratings continue to plummet while their costs and our taxpayer bailout subsidies continue to go up! In 2021 what case can be made for the Government to be in the broadcasting business, competing unfairly with the private sector? The CBC receives advertising and cable/satellite fees-fees greater than CTV and Global but this is not enough for the greedy CBC who also receive more than a billion dollars of your tax money every year. That’s about $100,000,000 (yes, $100 MILLION) of our taxes taken from your pay cheques every 30 days and with no CBC accountability to taxpayers.

Wake up! What does it take for real change at the CBC? YOU! Our blog contains a link to the Politicians contact info for you to make your voice heard. Act now and contact your MP, the Cabinet and Prime Minister ... tell them to stop wasting your money on a biased, failing media service, and ... sell the CBC.

Recent scandals plaguing CBC

Amanda Lang scandal legacy of CBC's long corporate metamorphosis.

The Lang affair comes hard on the heels of the debacle over the Jian Ghomeshi assault scandal.

Meanwhile, too many CBC hosts -- who are extremely well compensated to begin with -- were using their fame to make more money by giving speeches on the side. Both Rex Murphy and Peter Mansbridge were caught doing speeches for the oil industry.

The recent scandals that have plagued the broadcaster, brought on by its incompetent managers and toxic internal environment, further erode public trust in its existence.

Read the full story.

CBC President Hubert Lacroix "loved" Ghomeshi

CBC President Hubert Lacroix Comes To Concordia.

Lacroix spent most of his presentation polling the audience on whether they watch programs and newscasts from the CBC, and whether the students take advantage of their mobile platforms and services.

Following his presentation, Lacroix addressed the recent controversies surrounding the CBC, including the Jian Ghomeshi and Amanda Lang scandals.

On his relationship with Ghomeshi, the President said he “loved him” and connected him with as many people as he could within the CBC and Radio-Canada. Due to “legal issues,” his comments about the allegations were limited.

As for Amanda Lang, the CBC journalist who provided favourable coverage to two companies who offered her paid speaking engagements, Lacroix said that the CBC is considering the allowance of employees to possibly engage in paid appearances.

Days after his presentation at Concordia, the CBC announced that they would no longer allow their journalists to do any paid speaking appearances.

Read the full story.

Ethics complaint against CBC's Peter Mansbridge

Peter Mansbridge has found himself at the centre of an unlikely controversy, this time in his role as chancellor of Mount Allison University.

A man running for president of Mount A’s student union filed a complaint questioning Mr. Mansbridge’s ethics this month, after an opposing candidate claimed the CBC anchor’s endorsement in the race.

The CBC ombudsman investigated earlier complaints against Mr. Mansbridge for taking speaking fees, a practice the public broadcaster moved to curtail last week.

Read the full story.

Some CBC journalists earning prohibited speaking fees

As the latest chapter involving the extra-curricular activities of a very few of the CBC's most prominent journalists continues to unfold, let's be clear about the key element surrounding the cornerstone issue at play.

This is about "the money." And from that directly flows the story of the past several days.

So keep this in mind: a few of CBC's journalists are personally earning tens of thousands -- and in some cases perhaps more than a hundred thousand dollars -- in speaking fees annually in situations that are specifically identified as inappropriate and thus prohibited by the CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices and an updated policy statement of last spring.

However it is also critical to remember that the vast proportion of CBC's journalists and production and technical employees (who were my colleagues for 27 years) are repulsed by all this. It would never occur to them to take money from people they might cover as part of their job. They are embarrassed by what is taking place because it impugns their integrity and their sense of responsibility to the people of Canada.

Read the original Huffington Post article here.

Amanda Lang a liability at CBC

Put a fork in Amanda Lang. She’s cooked. The poster girl for privileged on-air talent at the CBC might not yet realize it, but her career inside the public broadcaster is doomed. Lang should forget about taking over Peter Mansbridge’s spot on The National when the CBC’s “chief correspondent” finally calls it quits.

Lang has become a liability at the CBC, an employer with very little patience for liabilities. Lang surely understood this when she penned that embarrassing 1,600-word paean to herself in The Globe and Mail last week in a bid to salvage her career. Perhaps she sought public redemption, some kind of outpouring of support. It didn’t work, at least not for nearly all of the 294 Globe readers who have commented so far. Almost universally, they dismissed Lang with acidic-laced derision and called for her to leave journalism.

Whispers abound inside the CBC that Lang may soon be disciplined for galloping off the range to the Globe again. Of course, the corridors of the CBC offices are pretty much always filled with whispers and intrigue.

Read the full article at iPolitics here.

CBC Exposed at odds with journalistic ethics

When shots rang on Parliament Hill, a nation sat rapt to its screens.

The CBC shined that fateful October day, burying a growing list of questions about sustainability, editorial independence and conflict-of-interest standards.

Or, so it seemed.

Mansbridge himself was at the centre of those queries, his appearances before oilsands associated groups raised concerns about his ability to cover one of the country’s most heated debates. Long-time CBC contributor Rex Murphy (also a National Post columnist, full disclosure) also faced questions about speaking to oilsands groups.

And now, months later, the Mother Corp. is again at odds with journalistic ethics as it fends off allegations chief business correspondent Amanda Lang tried to interfere with a story by fellow broadcaster Kathy Tomlinson about RBC using temporary foreign workers. The CBC staunchly denies Lang committed any wrong doing.

The Ghomeshi case uncovered cracks that were already spreading. In the ensuing weeks and months, stories have poured out of a culture that shielded Ghomeshi from serious claims of workplace harassment, and questions still linger about what the CBC’s top executives knew when about his alleged, repeated violence.

The lingering questions in Canadian minds about how and why Ghomeshi was hiding in plain sight for so long make other issues raised seem that much worse.

Of course, the ethical quandaries leveled at Mansbridge, Murphy and Lang are nowhere near as odious as the charges Ghomeshi faces.

Yet, there are parallels in the way in which CBC’s top brass has circled the wagons. Again, we see CBC head of public affairs Chuck Thompson correcting and re-correcting the facts.

Read the full story.

CBC Exposed new low of moral and ethical policies

The Globe and Mail is reporting that 15 year news veteran Leslie Roberts resigned over a conflict of interest. Bravo for the journalist with ethics.

Why do CBC journalists with $250,000 conflicts of interest refuse to step down and why does CBC defend them? Peter Mansbridge, Rex Murphy, Amanda Lang – the list of CBC journalists with 6-figure incomes from conflicts of interest grows longer. The only thing that keeps CBC from firing them is they are not known sexual deviates like the now-disgraced ex-CBC star Jian Ghomeshi.

In the era of ethical journalist, just before our current era of journalist entitled stars, reporters and on-air personalities were not allowed to engage in a business that was in conflict with their jobs, nor could they accept gifts, interest free loans or other perks from the businesses they covered.

CBC, in their new low of moral and ethical policies, dispensed with those rules and instituted fluid rules that allowed Peter Mansbridge to be paid by the oil lobbyists for his speaking skills.

This is the new era of the 1%. Everyone wants to be part of the 1% and nobody wants to be one of the 99%. You can gouge, cheat, steal and lie to get to the top at Canada’s taxpayer-funded broadcaster the CBC.

Read the full story.

CBC Exposed: Scandal, Scandal, Scandal ...

At the CBC the scandals continue to mount.  Do a google search for the word scandal and include any of the following words in that search query:
  • Peter Mansbridge
  • Rex Murphy
  • Jian Ghomeshi
  • Amanda Lang
  • David Suzuki
You will be amazed at what will be returned.

Now do a search for CBC and Frans Leenen.  The acclaimed doctor won a major libel lawsuit and the CBC had to pay using taxpyer money.  And his was not the only lawsuit that the CBC lost ... merely the largest!

The scandals continue to mount, CBC management is in disarray, morale at the CBC is at an all-time low and taxpayers continue to pay over $100,000,000 of our taxes every 30 days.  We ask why?

See all these scandals and more at

Loss of public values at CBC

The loss of public values at CBC begins with management.

Amanda Lang had her Leslie Roberts moment this week, as Roberts had his Peter Mansbridge moment a week before. Lang is CBC's "senior business correspondent" (titles matter to these people, Lang lovingly repeats hers). She was found taking money for speeches from banks she reports on.

Roberts, Global TV's star anchor, was massaging clients from his own PR firm on his shows. Mansbridge, I assume, is more familiar but CBC's idea of stardom is still weird. He and Lang aren't the only ones there topping up sizable public salaries with gigs that capitalize on their day jobs.

What's surprising is how these public sector types lead in venal freelancing. What's even more telling is this: in their self-justifications they rarely mention the public aspect.

Read the full story.

CBC Defends Conflict Of Interest Allegations

The CBC continues to strongly defend its senior business correspondent, Amanda Lang, in the wake of conflict-of-interest allegations reported by CANADALAND.

However, the network's spokesman walked back a key element of that defence on Tuesday.

It all started on Monday when the website CANADALAND published a story alleging that Lang attempted to "sabotage" a CBC investigation into the use of temporary foreign workers by RBC, a bank that had sponsored events at which Lang was paid to speak.

When she didn't get the story killed, CANADALAND reports that Lang then conducted a "softball interview" with RBC CEO Gord Nixon before taking to the op-ed pages of the Globe and Mail to minimize concerns about the bank's use of temporary foreign workers.

In a memo sent to CBC staff and later published on the CBC website, the broadcaster's general manager and editor in chief Jennifer McGuire admits Lang failed to tell CBC News management she would be writing an editorial for the Globe.

CBC employees are required by the broadcaster's Conflict of Interest and Ethics policy to obtain permission before doing work for competitors.

CBC's management of potential conflicts of interest has been the subject of intense scrutiny after it emerged last year that lead anchor Peter Mansbridge did a paid speech for the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers.

Read the full story.

No surprise CBC in crisis

The Jian Ghomeshi scandal signals that CBC managers have lost control of CBC. The Corporation has resorted to hiring an outside labour lawyer to investigate what went wrong with management processes, an admission of failure. But the signs of trouble have been there for some time.

The finger-pointing for CBC's problems has become a national pastime but its roots are fairly obvious.

Is it surprising that CBC is in such crisis?

If you wanted to slowly strangle the CBC, you couldn't imagine more ideal circumstances. With a stacked Board of Directors and senior management team so inexperienced in TV/radio programming, how could they possibly make the case for CBC?

Read the full story.

CBC's conflict of interest

Canadian broadcast media’s wakeup call has been overdue for years, but it looks like it has finally arrived. With Jian Ghomeshi facing sexual assault charges, and allegations of conflict of interest for Amanda Lang and Leslie Roberts, and the CBC changing disclosure policies over Rex Murphy‘s and Peter Mansbridge’s speaking engagements, Canadians have every right to wonder what, exactly, is going on behind the scenes.

Read the full story.

CBC denies sabotage allegation

The CBC, still dealing with fallout from the Jian Ghomeshi scandal, is defending one of its highest-profile personalities (business reporter Amanda Lang) against a report that she attempted to “sabotage” a 2013 story about a bank that had sponsored some speeches or events at which she spoke.

Lang is the host of The Exchange with Amanda Lang and occasional fill-in anchor of The National.

The CBC memo came after media website Canadaland published a report alleging Lang tried to scuttle the RBC story. It also said Lang was in a “serious relationship” with an RBC board member at the time the story ran.

Read the full story.

CBC union wants more tax dollars

The union representing CBC workers says the broadcaster needs a 50% increase in funding on top of the $1.1 billion it already gets from taxpayers.

Alex Levasseur, head of Radio-Canada's union, said the public broadcaster is headed for destruction if its "broken" funding model isn't changed.

He called for an immediate end to CBC funding cuts and a national dialogue on the future of the corporation.

The past couple of years haven't been easy for the public broadcaster.

The corporation recently said it would cut about 650 positions across the country in response to losing the rights to Hockey Night in Canada, a major source of revenue.

Read the full story.

Canadians favour privatizing CBC

More Canadians now favour privatizing CBC, Canada Post and Via Rail than favour keeping the Crown corporations in public hands.

A poll of 1,996 Canadians by Abacus Data found that 45% of those surveyed support or strongly support selling CBC compared to 34% who opposed the move, while 21% were undecided. Support for selling Canada Post was slightly higher with 47% backing a sale and 38% opposed. Via Rail had the highest level of support for privatization with 53% agreeing that the rail service should be sold off.

CBC receives more than $1 billion a year from taxpayers.

Read the full story.

Peter Mansbridge expresses dismay at CBC proposal

Recent cutbacks were largely spread out across the board, but sources said future reductions will be more focused, with the television sector’s “general programming” facing the greatest upheaval. The CBC’s news section is expected to be largely spared, leaving other elements of the broadcaster’s television schedule facing cutbacks and changes.

One area that has already triggered alarm among some of CBC’s most prominent on-air personalities is a proposal to halt all in-house production of documentaries. Peter Mansbridge, Adrienne Arsenault, David Suzuki, Anna Maria Tremonti and more than 30 other news and current affairs staff signed a letter this week expressing dismay at the proposal, which comes amid what‎ they call “a precipitous decline of documentaries in the CBC-TV schedule.”

Read the full story.

CBC contradicts ethics principles

The CBC Ombudsman has made a declarative position on whether or not the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation was in breach of their ethics policy during their lopsided coverage of #GamerGate. According to the CBC Ombudsman, Esther Enkin, the CBC has not committed any breaches of journalistic impropriety in their coverage of #GamerGate.

If there is a relationship that isn’t explained or defined on a national news program then what is the average viewer supposed to take away? This is a direct violation of the CBC’s own impartiality sub-section in their “acts and policies” ethics guide, which states… “We provide professional judgment based on facts and expertise. We do not promote any particular point of view on matters of public debate.”

If the CBC wishes to stand by the sophistry of the harassment angle, the least they should do is cover both sides of the harassment angle – the kind that’s happening against women, men and kids who stand with the consumer revolt.

According to Ombudsman Enkin in the January 5th report, the CBC National piece was not in violation of their ethics policy. However, the piece was still only one-sided against the harassment angle they chose. So what’s the excuse for continuing to breach their own policy of balanced reporting by not even balancing out their reports regarding the harassment?

Read the whole story.

CBC scandal costs more jobs

Two important players in the unfolding Jian Ghomeshi scandal have been put on indefinite leaves of absence by CBC management, but the public broadcaster is refusing to say whether they are still being paid.

Head of radio Chris Boyce and human resources director Todd Spencer were told to go on Monday, according to a memo sent to staff. CBC spokesman Chuck Thompson confirmed that the leaves are related to the Ghomeshi affair.

Boyce is one of two executives, along with Thompson, who viewed, on Oct. 23, material including a video that allegedly showed Ghomeshi causing physical injury to a woman. Three days later, Ghomeshi was fired. Boyce has said they did not go to the police. The Star has previously reported that the woman’s injury includes a cracked rib.

The radio executive came under increased public scrutiny last November when the CBC’s the fifth estate charged that, contrary to Boyce’s statements, no investigation at Ghomeshi’s hit radio show Q regarding inappropriate behaviour in the workplace was ever conducted.

Read the full story.

Sweeping changes at CBC mean massive job cuts

Canada’s public broadcaster plans to shed up to a fifth of its staff by 2020 as part of a sweeping new vision to recalibrate the way it delivers news and programming to an increasingly mobile, on-demand audience.

At a testy town hall on Thursday, the CBC’s president and CEO, Hubert Lacroix, unveiled a new five-year plan to staff that includes shifting resources out of the TV and radio divisions to drive a wave of new mobile-friendly content, scaling back some local evening newscasts from 90 minutes to as little as 30, and cutting between 1,000 and 1,500 jobs.

Unlike recent cutbacks at the CBC, including one that axed 657 other jobs last April, the new plan is about much more than saving money. It is an effort to transform the broadcaster from a television and radio powerhouse to a leaner, more nimble organization that targets smartphones and tablets first to find readers, viewers and listeners wherever they are.

The main union representing CBC workers sees this as reducing services on TV.

Read the full story.

CBC shifts priorities from TV and radio

CBC has announced deep cuts to its TV programming — part of the latest round of job cuts. The latest 400 job cuts were announced at the end of October.

Changes to programming were part of an announcement in June, when CBC president Hubert Lacroix said the broadcaster was shifting its priorities from TV and radio to digital and mobile services. Lacroix said the workforce would be reduced by approximately 25% by 2020. That's in addition to 657 jobs eliminated earlier this year in the wake of $130 million in lost revenue from the loss of Hockey Night in Canada.

As of next fall, local suppertime newscasts, most of which are now 90 minutes long, will be shorted to 30 or 60 minutes. By that time, the CBC also expects to roll out beefed-up website content and new mobile services.

Read the full story.

Was CBC President Hubert Lacroix appointed to kill CBC

It seems that there’s a move a foot to kill the CBC. And it’s coming from within.

Has the CBC served its purpose and not needed in our country any longer?

Has the CBC served its purpose and not needed in our country any longer?

Is there a role for the CBC in this industry in 2014 and the future?

Probably not as it has existed.

Hubert Lacroix looks like he was a man appointed to kill the CBC, not lead it.

Read the full story.