The CBC continues to operate in a wasteful, bias manner serving the socialist left wing mandate only while continuing to lose viewers and advertising revenues. Scandals continue. An unsettling, ugly anti Semitic movement has grown in the CBC News operation, history experts will know that this troubling bias can have devastating results for our country. Act now- contact your MP, the PMO and the CBC to stop this frightening socialist anti Semitic driven bias now.

Disgruntled CBC workers continue to confidentially share their stories with us, reports of management snooping, waste, huge salaries for select senior management, content bias, low employee morale continue in 2021 and we will expose these activities in our blog while protecting our whistleblower contacts. We take joy in knowing that the CBC-HQ visits us daily to spy on us, read our stories and to find out who owns our for the Canadian people blog.

One of our most popular posts continues to be the epic Dr. Leenen case against the Fifth Estate (the largest libel legal case ever awarded against the media in Canadian history) yet where no one at CBC was fired and taxpayers paid the huge award and legal costs for this blatant CBC Libel action. Writers and filmmakers -this is a Perfect story for an award winning Documentary -ok - who would fund it and where would it air since the CBC owns the Documentary channel! Can you help? Please contact us.

cbcExposed continues to enjoy substantial visitors coming from Universities and Colleges across Canada who use us for research in debates, exams, etc.

We ask students to please join with us in this mission; you have the power to make a difference! And so can private broadcasters who we know are hurting from the dwindling Advertising revenue pool and the CBC taking money from that pool while also unfairly getting massive Tax subsidies money. It's time to stop being silent and start speaking up Bell-CTV, Shaw-Global, Rogers, etc.

Our cbcExposed Twitter followers and visitors to cbcExposed continue to motivate us to expose CBC’s abuse and waste of tax money as well as exposing their ongoing left wing bully-like anti-sematic news bias. Polls meanwhile show that Canadians favour selling the wasteful government owned media giant and to put our tax money to better use for all Canadians. The Liberals privatized Petro Canada and Air Canada; it’s time for the Trudeau Liberals to privatize the CBC- certainly not give them more of our tax money-enough is enough!

The CBC network’s ratings continue to plummet while their costs and our taxpayer bailout subsidies continue to go up! In 2021 what case can be made for the Government to be in the broadcasting business, competing unfairly with the private sector? The CBC receives advertising and cable/satellite fees-fees greater than CTV and Global but this is not enough for the greedy CBC who also receive more than a billion dollars of your tax money every year. That’s about $100,000,000 (yes, $100 MILLION) of our taxes taken from your pay cheques every 30 days and with no CBC accountability to taxpayers.

Wake up! What does it take for real change at the CBC? YOU! Our blog contains a link to the Politicians contact info for you to make your voice heard. Act now and contact your MP, the Cabinet and Prime Minister ... tell them to stop wasting your money on a biased, failing media service, and ... sell the CBC.

CBC Employees say CBC boss Hubert Lacroix must go

A petition among CBC and Radio-Canada employees says president Hubert Lacroix and board of directors “no longer have legitimacy.”

The two unions representing the vast majority of CBC and Radio-Canada employees across the country are calling for president and CEO Hubert Lacroix and the board of directors to step down, citing a lack of confidence in their leadership.

The unions say that while the incoming Liberal government has promised to reinvest in CBC/Radio-Canada, top brass at the public broadcaster still intend to move forward with cuts to staffing and production.

Lacroix, who was reappointed to a second five-year term in 2012, was not made available for an interview. RĂ©mi Racine, chair of the 12-member board, did not return a request for comment.

Read the full story.

Take away from Military to give to CBC

Let's face it, the Liberal Party hasn't been good for Canada's military for a long time so with Trudeau and the Liberals getting ready to take power, I'm concerned.

The Liberals are philosophically opposed to the military which might explain why they'd claim they're scrapping the F-35 to save money while at the same time promising to give the CBC an extra $150M dollars. That has to be more than they would save by scrapping the F-35.

But this is a good demonstration of Liberal priorities in spending millions on a media outlet that will spread their propoganda rather than spending money on the military that will keep all Canadians safe.

See the video and story here.

CBC story falls short of a clear and accessible manner

CBC Ombudsman for English Services:

You wrote that you were concerned that there had been “selective reporting” in an hourly newscast on July 23, 2014. The report concerned statements made by Navi Pillay, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights at that time. Speaking at an emergency debate of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, she condemned Hamas’s and other armed groups’ indiscriminate firing of missiles into Israel. She also condemned Israel’s attacks that resulted in civilian casualties, which she said violated international humanitarian law “in a manner that could amount to war crimes.”

You questioned why “CBC selectively report(ed) this important story in a manner that incorrectly suggested that one side was accused of possible war crimes.” You attempted to alert the news service of this perceived violation of policy via the programming feedback contact form on the web site, but received no response. You then contacted this office.

Your complaint raises the question of balance and accuracy.

The way the story is written and the way it is delivered falls short of a “clear and accessible manner.”

CBC management might want to review this newscast for lessons it might teach about clarity of writing.

Read the full story.

The CBC has lost its identity

Regionally, CBC has clearly shown it is struggling with a 90-minute television newscast. It obviously does not have the resources, hence the endless repetitiveness of the same story throughout the newscast and multiple weather forecasts.

Communications and broadcasting have changed a great deal since the CBC was originally created and its current mandate should be reviewed. The Internet and new media are with us and the CBC has jumped into it. But should they? Does its current mandate permit this under the Broadcasting Act? Is this a role for the public broadcaster?

If the CBC believes new media is what public broadcasting should be, its whole structure has to be analyzed because what is required for “old” media will not be the same for new media.

The CBC has lost its identity. Canadians can lead the way and provide a new identity by having a public debate on public broadcasting in Canada.

Read the full story.

CBC misreading the law

While disagreement over CBC funding is as old as the broadcaster itself, the more uncomfortable discussion for the CBC is its coverage of the current election campaign - particularly its approach to national debates and political party advertising – which raises troubling questions about its relevance in the current media environment.

The CBC’s odd coverage choices are not limited to the missing debates. Its use of video clips from the debates has also been unnecessarily restrictive. For example, before analyzing the recent Munk debates on the “At Issue” panel, host Peter Mansbridge warned viewers that “we are limited with the excerpts with the amount we are allowed to show.” A similar warning preceded the discussion at other debates.

Yet the reality is that there was no need to be restrictive in the use of video clips. Canadian copyright law permits the use of copyrighted works without permission as part of the fair dealing clause.

In fact, the CBC’s misreading of the law is not limited to the use of clips within its news broadcasts. Just prior to the election call, it asked YouTube and Facebook to remove a Conservative campaign advertisement that used clips from a CBC interview with Liberal leader Justin Trudeau. To support its takedown claim, the CBC argued that “no one – no individual candidate or political party, and no government, corporation or NGO – may re-use our creative and copyrighted property without our permission. This includes our brands, our talent and our content.”

That too is wrong. The law features important limitations on the rights of all copyright holders and all media organizations regularly rely on them in their reporting. The limits of copyright extend to campaign commercials and there is little that the CBC (or anyone else) can do about it.

Read the full story.

When does NO mean NO to the CBC

The complainant, Chris Miller, said that attempting to interview a Memorial University professor when she had already said no was harassment. He strongly objected to the reporter showing up at the university and interviewing the reluctant subject. CBC policy allows for such interviews, and in this case the policy was followed and the technique justified.

I agree with you it is regrettable and shocking that publicizing the story led to threats and racial comments. That too is an issue of public interest. Journalists are told to minimize harm, and those threats are an unintended consequence. But CBC news staff did not incite those threats nor could they turn away from a story when that ugly side of society reared its head. It is a sad reality that in the age of social media the ability to shame, threaten and harass is an anonymous click away. The response, however, is not to retreat from legitimate journalistic endeavours.

Read the full complaint here and see if you agree with CBC policy.

Exposed - CBC double standards

Evan Solomon is out at CBC. Given that my views on CBC are well known you would think I’d be happy correct?

No, not really.

If there is more to this story, then neither CBC nor CTV are letting it out, and based on that, I don’t see why Solomon was fired.

He wasn’t being paid to trade political secrets. He wasn’t selling access. He wasn’t padding his expenses.

He was doing something outside of his day job and while he appears to have been paid fairly well, up to $300,000 in commissions, he also struck out often, according to The Star.

Let’s look at how CBC has treated others though, starting with CBC President Hubert Lacroix.

A few years ago, when he found I was about to leak the news about what he'd been doing, he quietly made things right, and kept his job.

And then, of course, there's David Suzuki...

When CBC brought out their new speakers fee policy it clearly did not apply to Suzuki because he continues to take paid gigs.

See the full story and video on The Rebel.

Exposed - CBC In House Research Challenged

Among its revenue sources the CBC receives $946 million in its annual funding from the federal government, as well as $60 million in “one-time” supplementary funding for programming. However, this supplementary funding has been repeated annually for a number of years. This combined total is just over a billion dollars annually and is a source of heated debate.

CBC’s funding differs from that of the public broadcasters of many European nations, which collect a licence fee, or those in the United States, such as PBS and NPR, which receive some public funding but rely to a large extent on voluntary contributions from individual viewers and listeners.

An Abacus poll from August 2011 showed that approximately one out of two Canadians would like to see the CBC’s funding switched to the PBS/NPR model, while one out of three Canadians want Parliament to sell off or privatize the CBC. This independent survey flies in the face of the CBC’s own in house research claiming 92% of Canadians consider the CBC an essential service which they use to justify their continuously desperate need for more tax dollars.

Read the full story here.

Exposed - CBC tries to hide its happy face

“A new Liberal government will invest $150 million in new annual funding for the CBC,” said the Liberal leader as the Montreal crowd around him cheered.

Somewhere among the spectators, a CBC reporter or two tried to look nonchalant: It’s always hard to look objective when a politician has just promised to give you millions of dollars.

And while CBC president Hubert Lacroix named no specific party, he was at a public broadcasters’ conference earlier this month arguing that the likes of the CBC needed to reverse the “vicious circle” of funding cuts.

“If we don’t work together to turn this around … we risk becoming so weak that we will no longer be able to provide what our citizens need from each of us and, in turn, it will be harder to justify their investment in us,” he told the Munich gathering.

All of which doesn’t help the usual accusations that the CBC is tainted by political bias.

Read the full story.

Honest Reporting Canada Keeps CBC in Line

Faced with an unrelenting Palestinian terror wave that has seen eight Israelis brutally murdered and dozens maimed, our news media have sympathized with terrorists, downplayed and at times justified their violence, and assigned blame to Israel.

In this crisis, HonestReporting has been working round the clock to ensure that our media report the unvarnished truth about what is actually taking place: How Palestinian incitement has encouraged Palestinian terror.

A recent example of our effectiveness came when CBC News' website turned Palestinian terrorists into victims of supposed Israeli aggression, as seen in the following headline on October 17:

This headline made the guilty party innocent and the innocent party guilty.

 HonestReporting Canada pleaded with CBC executives to amend the headline to point out that the 4 dead Palestinians were in fact terrorists who stabbed and tried to murder Israelis. Following our intervention with the CBC, the following amendment was issued which acknowledged, albeit in attribution only, that Israel claims these Palestinians "we're trying to stab them":

This is the impact of HonestReporting and as you can see, our work produces results and our news media are aware that they're being vigilantly watched and are not immune to criticism.

At this time, they need your support to enable their continued efforts. When you give a donation to HonestReporting Canada, you're providing them with the tools they need to expose the lies and to promote the truth.

See more here!

CBC Insolent Election Bias

As Canada’s federal election is less than a month away, the CBC is now a full-fledged left-wing partisan mouthpiece. Canada’s public broadcaster—despite its cute mandate to reflect the views of all Canadians—has devoted itself to mocking Conservative Leader Prime Minister Stephen Harper, all the while lauding and defending Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau. (NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair hitherto received tepid coverage, but since polls consistently show him evenly splitting the 60-65 per cent of voters desiring change, he has lately been in the CBC’s crosshairs.)

The Mother Corp’s darling Trudeau is given affectionate Putinesque coverage by our state broadcaster. A minute-long video of Trudeau paddling down the Bow River was inexplicably tweeted by our state broadcaster. No commentary provided—no story to be told—just a rustic scene of a man enjoying the outdoors. The video coincided nicely with junior Trudeau’s pledge to give CBC an additional 150 million dollars to its annual billion dollar federal subsidy.

Conversely, the public broadcaster’s coverage of the CBC-cutting Harper has been marked by juvenile petulance.

Read the full story here.

Exposed - CBC Bias in 2015 Federal Election

CBC bias blatantly obvious during 2015 Federal Election campaign.

With the election campaign in full swing, the blatant bias of the CBC toward their preferred political party is reaching astronomical heights.

From incessant coverage of the Duffy trial, to the constant promotion of the Fin Donnelly lie, the CBC makes no bones about who they think YOU should elect.

$1 Billion a year for the state broadcaster to tell you what to think and who to vote for is abhorrent, dishonest, and should be illegal.

Share this petition with you family and friends, and perhaps this will be the last election that the taxpayer funds a broadcast entity hell bent on influencing the voter.

Full story and petition is here.

Another CBC Journalist Whitewashes Palestinian Terror

We (Honest Reporting Canada) recently took CBC News to task for its website’s failure to report on the recent Palestinian terror attacks.

Not isolated to the CBC’s website, we have serious concerns with the CBC’s reporting of the recent hostilities by way of the coverage produced by reporter Margaret Evans. A former Mideast Bureau Chief, Ms. Evans, who is now back in Jerusalem, produced several television and radio reports which not only whitewashed and excused Palestinian terror, her journalism deligitimized Israel’s right to self defense, and drew a false moral equivalence between Israeli victims and Palestinian perpetrators of terror and their respective families.

In an October 12 CBC National report, Margaret Evans drew a false moral equivalence between Israeli victims of terror and Palestinian perpetrators of terror and their respective families.

Read the full story.

CBC news online is glaring exception

It’s said that the most egregious form of media bias, is a bias of omission. When media outlets ignore important news stories and which thereby deprives readers, listeners and viewers of learning about noteworthy developments on a myriad of issues.

The most recent Palestinian terror attacks that killed four Israelis last week — two Israeli men stabbed to death in Jerusalem’s Old City and a Jewish couple gunned down in a drive-by shooting ambush in the “west bank” — in full view of their four now orphaned children, received considerable coverage in the Canadian and international media.

With one glaring exception.

Though CBC News’ Radio and TV programs featured reports about the terror attacks, had altogether failed to provide coverage of these attacks.

Read the full story.

CBC cuts nose to spite its face

CBC’s debate coverage approach raises questions about value of public broadcaster

The CBC seems to have cut its nose to spite its face by doing its best to prove its critics right.

Hubert Lacroix, president of the CBC, recently placed the future of Canada’s national public broadcaster on the electoral map with comments aimed at sparking a renewed debate on future funding models. Lacroix disputed claims that low ratings are to blame for the CBC’s financial struggles, instead pointing to the need to consider alternative fee schemes, including new levies on internet providers or supplementary charges on television purchases.

Read the full story here.

CBC CEO Hubert Lacroix Political Contrabutions

What do the head of the CBC, a former BlackBerry executive, and the president of The Asper Foundation have in common?

They can all find their names in a database compiled by left-leaning pressure group of political appointees who have donated to the Conservative Party.

According to campaign director Rosa Kouri, the organization found 356 political appointees who have donated more than $760,000 to the Conservatives’ coffers between 2004 and 2014.

According to the group’s data, the donations range from one-off contributions of $200 to almost $20,000 over 10 years. Some names on their list donated before their appointment, some after.

The data includes names like Hubert Lacroix, the CEO of the CBC, former Blackberry executive turned Sustainable Technology Development Canada Chair Jim Balsillie, and Gail Asper, a trustee at the Canadian Museum of Human Rights.

Read the full story.

CBC shrugs off election debates

Even as their reporters were proving once again Monday night that CBC journalists are as good as any in the world by winning an international Emmy for coverage of the Ebola outbreak in Africa, CBC’s management was letting them — and the Canadian public — down once again by failing to broadcast yet another leaders’ debate in this election campaign.

Monday’s debate has been universally praised as one of the best campaign debates in more than 50 years. But CBC chose to put Coronation Street on its main network. On its news channel, there was chit chat about commodity prices.

Meanwhile on CPAC — god bless it — Stephen Harper, Thomas Mulcair, and Justin Trudeau engaged in two hours of lively, informative debate about some of the most important foreign policy, defence, and development issues of our time.

The organizers of the debate had offered the broadcast feed free to anyone who wanted to use it. And yet, CBC shrugged.

And so, by campaign’s close, CBC’s sorry record will be broadcasting just one debate out of five, and that was a French language one only offered in translation to its English-language viewers.

Read the full story.

Time we sell off CBC

CBC’s mandate says “…the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, as the national public broadcaster, should provide radio and television services incorporating a wide range of programming that informs, enlightens and entertains.”
Wouldn't showing a national federal election debate fit within that mandate?
All three debates should have been broadcast in full on radio and TV across CBC. Instead the debate was shown on TV by CPAC, and by Hamilton’s little independent station CHCH TV, a station that while seen across many parts of Canada doesn’t have the reach that CBC does.
CBC has been acting like petulant child since the Conservatives decided that they wanted a new debate format rather than the one English and one French organized by the consortium of broadcasters.
If CBC can’t be bothered showing something as important as an election debate, why should we subsidize them?
It's time we sell off CBC. 
See the video and full text here.

Exposed - CBC failing the public

There’s an old saying in journalism that you should never let yourself become the story. These days the CBC has failed too many times on that front.

The public broadcaster used taxpayer dollars to go to court to fight having to disclose documents to the information commissioner.

The Jian Ghomeshi saga is an HR, PR and management disaster — and that’s not including the alleged harm suffered by his accused.

CEO Hubert Lacroix apologized last year for claiming $30,000 in expenses to which he wasn’t entitled.

For an organization that’s supposed to be dedicated to talking about Canada and Canadians, Canada spends far too much time talking about it.

The CBC continues to fail the people it’s supposed to serve.

Read the full story.

Former CBC Host pleads not guilty

Former CBC radio host Jian Ghomeshi, centre, appears for a pre-trial hearing for his sexual assault case with his lawyer, Marie Henein, second from right, in Toronto, on Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015. (/Michelle Siu / THE CANADIAN PRESS)
Disgraced former broadcaster Jian Ghomeshi has pleaded not guilty to all five charges against him.

The former host of CBC Radio's cultural affairs show "Q" is facing five charges including four counts of sexual assault and one count of overcome resistance, choking.

See more here.

CBC President Hubert Lacroix hitting back

The head of the CBC is hitting back at Conservative Leader Stephen Harper over comments the national broadcaster is floundering because of low ratings rather than a lack of funding.

CEO Hubert Lacroix says the CBC has healthy ratings, but is crippled by a broken funding model.

Harper told a private radio station in Quebec that the CBC's budget crunch isn't due to government cuts, but because of its low ratings.

"The reason for the difficulties aren't the cuts," Harper said in an interview broadcast Monday. "There aren't cuts. The reason is the loss of [CBC's] audience. It's a problem for the CBC to fix."

There is a limit to state subsidies, he added.

Lacroix wouldn't answer when asked whether he thought Harper's comments were fair.

"But I'm going to tell you it's not because of our ratings that we have a problem at CBC-Radio Canada."

Read the full story.