The CBC continues to operate in a wasteful, bias manner serving the socialist left wing mandate only while continuing to lose viewers and advertising revenues. Scandals continue. An unsettling, ugly anti Semitic movement has grown in the CBC News operation, history experts will know that this troubling bias can have devastating results for our country. Act now- contact your MP, the PMO and the CBC to stop this frightening socialist anti Semitic driven bias now.

Disgruntled CBC workers continue to confidentially share their stories with us, reports of management snooping, waste, huge salaries for select senior management, content bias, low employee morale continue in 2021 and we will expose these activities in our blog while protecting our whistleblower contacts. We take joy in knowing that the CBC-HQ visits us daily to spy on us, read our stories and to find out who owns our for the Canadian people blog.

One of our most popular posts continues to be the epic Dr. Leenen case against the Fifth Estate (the largest libel legal case ever awarded against the media in Canadian history) yet where no one at CBC was fired and taxpayers paid the huge award and legal costs for this blatant CBC Libel action. Writers and filmmakers -this is a Perfect story for an award winning Documentary -ok - who would fund it and where would it air since the CBC owns the Documentary channel! Can you help? Please contact us.

cbcExposed continues to enjoy substantial visitors coming from Universities and Colleges across Canada who use us for research in debates, exams, etc.

We ask students to please join with us in this mission; you have the power to make a difference! And so can private broadcasters who we know are hurting from the dwindling Advertising revenue pool and the CBC taking money from that pool while also unfairly getting massive Tax subsidies money. It's time to stop being silent and start speaking up Bell-CTV, Shaw-Global, Rogers, etc.

Our cbcExposed Twitter followers and visitors to cbcExposed continue to motivate us to expose CBC’s abuse and waste of tax money as well as exposing their ongoing left wing bully-like anti-sematic news bias. Polls meanwhile show that Canadians favour selling the wasteful government owned media giant and to put our tax money to better use for all Canadians. The Liberals privatized Petro Canada and Air Canada; it’s time for the Trudeau Liberals to privatize the CBC- certainly not give them more of our tax money-enough is enough!

The CBC network’s ratings continue to plummet while their costs and our taxpayer bailout subsidies continue to go up! In 2021 what case can be made for the Government to be in the broadcasting business, competing unfairly with the private sector? The CBC receives advertising and cable/satellite fees-fees greater than CTV and Global but this is not enough for the greedy CBC who also receive more than a billion dollars of your tax money every year. That’s about $100,000,000 (yes, $100 MILLION) of our taxes taken from your pay cheques every 30 days and with no CBC accountability to taxpayers.

Wake up! What does it take for real change at the CBC? YOU! Our blog contains a link to the Politicians contact info for you to make your voice heard. Act now and contact your MP, the Cabinet and Prime Minister ... tell them to stop wasting your money on a biased, failing media service, and ... sell the CBC.

Why does CBC need advertising?

A government’s job in a democracy, in theory, is to provide for the common good those things that the free market either cannot or cannot effectively deliver — national defence, foreign policy, certain large-scale infrastructure projects that span multiple jurisdictions. The Canadian government, however, seems oddly intent on operating Crown corporations that directly compete with the private sector.

The CBC’s aggressive plan to grow its share of commercial advertising revenue is an even more problematic example of a so-called public good competing with private enterprise. At a recent preview of CBC programming for media marketing and advertising agencies, the public broadcaster emphasized that all of its content — on TV, radio, podcasts or digital properties — is “ad friendly.”

Events like this, called upfronts, are standard in the broadcast industry. But the CBC itself is not standard. Unlike its competitors, it receives more than a billion dollars each year in taxpayer money to fund its news division as well as, among other things, the creation of original Canadian dramatic content. Why does it need advertising at all?
It’s no mystery why CBC would want advertising, of course. More money is its own reward. The problem is, the CBC is not Canada’s only broadcaster or news outlet. And every dollar of advertising it secures is a dollar less available to Canada’s other media companies, which receive no comparable direct federal subsidy.

Read the full story here.

CBC always taken care of by the Liberals comments Justin Trudeau

It appears as if some Liberals have no fear politicizing the state broadcaster, as long as it means swaying a few extra votes.

Earlier today, Bob Rae, a former Liberal MP and current Special Envoy and the interim party leader before Justin Trudeau, posted a response tweet to Eric Grenier, the CBC’s pollster, which made many uncomfortable to say the least.

While the awkward moment displays the party in a problematically close relationship with the CBC, it is not the first during this campaign.

Justin Trudeau also had a similarly problematic interaction at the beginning of the campaign, when he jokingly offered poutine to a CBC journalist, while commenting that the Liberals always took care of the organization.

Read more here.

CBC journalistic conflict of interest

It isn’t just private sector journalists who suffer from a lack of credibility. Canada’s state broadcaster is even more conflicted.

During the last federal election, funding to the CBC became a major issue.

The Conservative government cut the CBC’s budget by $115 million; the NDP pledged to reverse these cuts, while the Liberals pledged to not only reverse the cuts but to give $150 million in new funding.

Lo and behold, with $265 million on the line, the Trudeau Liberals received glowing coverage from the CBC which helped them win the election.

How can journalists remain independent when they’re the beneficiaries of government handouts? Can they really be trusted to scrutinize the politicians who fund them? Will they remain unbiased if other politicians threaten to end their funding?

Read the full story here.

CBC under fire for documentary

CBC’s science show The Nature of Things is set to air a documentary that purports to prove the first humans in the New World came across the ocean from Europe and not, as most scientists think, via a land bridge from Asia.

A geneticist of ancient humans calls it “extremely irresponsible” to promote this theory, not just because it is widely rejected and unsupported by evidence, but also because it is a favourite piece of propaganda among white supremacists, who use it to argue Europeans colonized North America before Native Americans, and therefore have the original claim to the land.

Read the full story here.

CBC greatly interferes with the business success of its commercial competitors

In the 1930s, to foster greater unity of national news in the face of U.S. competition, we needed a national medium. Not any more: we now have several radio, television and print media in Canada, all desperate for advertising money that the CBC absorbs both on and off the internet.

The CBC now controls several radio stations, a swarm of television stations and television news feeds, and internet broadcasts. It greatly interferes with the business success of its commercial competitors at the expense of taxpayers and thereby denies us effective contrary opinions. Its $1.8-billion annual federal government grant, plus income from television and internet advertising, gives it too much control of the news.

At the very least, the annual grant should be equally distributed to all Canadian media. 

Read the full story here.

CBC loves to claim how much they’re beating their competitors

The Post Millennial – which yours truly is proud to write articles for – has quickly become one of Canada’s fastest growing news and opinion outlets.

It features what you see in most online outlets today, a mix of news and opinion content.

And notably, it’s not taxpayer funded, refusing to force Canadian taxpayers to subsidize it.

And, as was pointed out on Twitter, the CBC loves to claim how much they’re beating their competitors, while neglecting the fact that CBC is federally funded.

This appears to be a classic case of projection by the CBC. In reality, they are a state-run ‘Liberal Pamphleteering’ outlet, and (while there are rare exceptions like Robyn Urback), mostly totally dominated by Liberal sentiment.

Consider how, just as the Liberals started pushing more of their anti-Conservative climate fear-mongering, CBC started running endless climate change segments that basically repeated Liberal talking points word for word.

And consider how, in their biased attack on The Post Millennial, they cited a supposed ‘expert’ without mentioning that he was… wait for it… a former CBC Executive Producer.

Read the full story here.

Where is CBCs credibility?

Where is the CBCs credibility after running this story.

 Democrats demand Kavanaugh be impeached over new sexual misconduct allegations

Major news organizations in the United States have either had to issue corrections to their story or have simply refused to run it. 

The Washington Post has revealed it passed on a questionable story about Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh back in 2018 because it "could not independently corroborate the allegation" and key figures didn't cooperate. The story, about a sexual assault allegedly committed by Kavanaugh during the 1983-84 school year at Yale, was published Saturday by The New York Times, which was forced to issue a correction to the article the next day.

Does the CBC know what's going on better in the United States than USA news organizations?

Where is the credibility?

CBC likes to spin government funding

The CBC has consistently lost market share to their private rivals that do not benefit from a taxpayer subsidy. This fact alone dictates that people have voted with their television remotes already. 

The CBC likes to spin the government funding they receive (a fairly substantial $1.16 billion) by saying that it creates 3x that much for the Canadian economy. My response is that a private company could take those assets and do even better for the Canadian economy as a whole (as evidenced by their already more efficient business models). 

In addition to losing out to their television adversaries, the CBC has been rendered much less irreplaceable in terms of a news source to a majority of Canadians because of the internet and cheap satellite TV capabilities. There are almost no isolated communities that solely depend on the CBC any longer, and I challenge people to find me more than a handful of Canadians under 25 who watch the CBC at all.

Read more here.

CBC's racist comment sections spark debate

Online discussions of aboriginal issues in Canada can become so vitriolic that the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) decided earlier this week to temporarily close comments on stories about indigenous people. Brodie Fenlon, acting director of digital news, said that while many topics incite problematic discussion, the number of comments that descend into hate speech and personal attacks are disproportionately higher on stories related to indigenous issues.

It’s a significant move for the CBC, which, as a publicly funded corporation, faces pressure to maintain an open space for democratic discussion. 

Read the full story here.

CBC competitors paying taxes that subsidize their competition

Online is where it's at. There, CBC/Radio Canada goes toe to toe with traditional broadcasters and newspapers fighting for readers, viewers, listeners and, most of all, dollars. That's where it sows. And that's where it reaps.

And that's where, if something needs to be "done" about CBC — which, in both the online and television worlds, is a full-blown commercial operator — it should be done.

The nation's television broadcasting world has forever been distorted by the existence of a publicly-funded entity such as CBC that competes not only for viewers but for advertising income. It has always been entirely unfair to the private sector that its own tax dollars are used to compete against it.

Publicly-funded radio may compete with the private sector for listeners but never for money.

About 40 per cent of Canada's advertising dollars are spent online, making that medium by far the most dominant, followed by TV a good 10 points behind, then radio and newspapers. That means that by employing an aggressive online strategy, CBC now competes for a share of about 70 per cent of the advertising dollars at play in the market.

So newspapers, radio and other internet platforms are now, in addition to television companies, paying taxes that subsidize their competition to their detriment.

Read the full story here.

CBCs Baseless Speculation is Fake News

In the report below, CBC tried hinting – with ZERO evidence – that there was link between the timing of Maxime Bernier’s tweets, and a far-right rally in the US:

CBC makes the ‘link’ without any proof, engaging in baseless speculation. It’s a clear example of Fake News.

See the full story here.

Share your concerns about a CBC News report

Every Canadian is entitled to accuracy, balance and integrity in CBC’s journalism, and CBC recognizes your right to hold us accountable for the quality of our News coverage.

If you have concerns regarding the facts or views featured in a CBC News story – be it online or on air – you can share your feedback in the following ways:
  • Contact us and we’ll relay your comments to the appropriate journalists and editors at CBC News
  • Submit typographical or factual errors directly to the story reporter and editors through the “Report Typo or Error” link located at the bottom of the online story featured on
  • Questions or comments regarding a local story should be directed to your regional newsroom 
  • Concerns regarding journalistic balance and integrity in CBC's news and information programs can be directed to the CBC Ombudsman
More information can be found here.

And of course you can always contact us as well!!

CBC is a Propaganda Tool for the Left Wing Social Activists

The tax supported CBC is a tool for left wing social activists to indoctrinate the Canadian public.

It collects $1.7 billion each year from the federal government to promote its left wing ideological objective which most definitely does not reflect the views of most Canadians. It does so, even though the Broadcasting Act, which was updated in September, 2018, specifically states in Section 3(l)(i) that broadcasters are required to provide a balance of information and in Section 3(l)(iv) that the CBC must provide a reasonable opportunity for the Canadian public to be exposed to differing views on matters of public concern. The CBC is operating outside its mandate.

Former CBC President, Hubert Lacroix, and current President, Catherine Tait, have ignored the Broadcast Act and have allowed the CBC to promote only left wing propaganda programming. They have had no hesitation in doing so since the CBC is assured that the Liberal government will continue to fund its operation, regardless of its bias, or perhaps because of it.

A recent example of CBC’s intolerance to differing views took place on September 23, 2018, when it interviewed former Conservative leadership candidate, Maxime Bernier, who has formed his own political party, the People’s Party of Canada. Regardless of one’s opinion of Mr. Bernier, he should never have been exposed to such a derogatory and insulting interview as took place when rabidly partisan journalist, Wendy Mesley, interviewed him. She lobbed ideologically loaded grenades at him, insinuating that he was part of a vast right wing conspiracy. Ms. Mesley’s contempt for Mr. Bernier and his views, are similar to that exhibited by another CBC journalist, Rosemary Barton, when she interviews individuals with conservative values.

A network should fire such journalists for their unprofessional behaviour, but the CBC supports such behaviour as do most other mainstream media.

Read the rest of the story here.

Why is publicly tax funded CBC anti-Semitic?

On August 29, CBC Radio aired a report by Beirut-based freelance reporter Rebecca Collard that portrayed Israel as the aggressor in recent hostilities with Hezbollah and which failed to mention any of Israel’s security concerns about the grievous threat that Iranian-sponsored terror group poses.

Untold by Ms. Collard (and we strenuously take issue with her failure to include the following context) Israel says its attack in Syria was a pre-emptive strike against Iranian Quds Force operatives who were about to carry out an imminent attack on Israel by launching killer attack drones.

The troubling lack of context and omission of Israel’s legitimate security concerns, unfairly depicted Israel as the aggressor.

Read the full story here.

CBC broadcast was devastatingly defamatory

The defendant CBC produced an hour-long television program which examined questions raised in the medical scientific community about the safety of heart medications known as Calcium Channel Blockers, particularly one called nifedipine.

The plaintiff, a doctor and research scientist, was interviewed. He brought an action for damages for defamation, alleging that the program, and the manner in which his interview was edited, created the innuendoes that he supported the prescribing of killer drugs; that he was in a conflict of interest; that he was receiving a pay-off or kickback from a leading pharmaceutical company; and that he acted negligently or dishonestly as the chairman of the ad hoc advisory committee of HPB.

The trial judge found that the words complained of did actually bear those meanings and that the broadcast was devastatingly defamatory of the plaintiff.

The trial judge concluded that this was as serious a libel as could be imagined. The defendants never apologized. Rather, to the very end, and throughout the trial, there was an uncompromising defence of their activities. The trial judge awarded $400,000 for general damages, aggravated damages totalling $350,000, and punitive damages totalling $200,000, for a total of $950,000.

Read the full case here.

Taking exception to CBC allegations

Earlier this week CBC published an article regarding a couple that is being investigated for immigration fraud. Rather than using an image of the couple being investigated, the lead image in the story prominently featured a photo of Doug, Gloria and other members of our staff. Further, the article alleges that individuals from Knight Archer Insurance were complicit in the scheme.

We take exception to the allegations in the article and are disappointed in the lack of care and attention shown by the CBC in its representation of Knight Archer. We can confirm that neither Knight Archer nor Gloria Archer are under any investigation with regards to the immigration fraud case. Instead, Gloria has been called as a witness for the prosecution in the case against the immigration consultant. We have and will continue to offer our full cooperation to the authorities as the case proceeds to trial.

Read the full story here.

CBC - Mother Station or Media Terrorist?

In the fall of 2015, CBC’s Marketplace commissioned lab testing on samples of fish oil, vitamin C and protein powder supplements, part of an investigation to determine whether consumers were getting what they paid for when purchasing natural health products. Based on those results, Marketplace reported that five of the products did not contain what was indicated on the label. The manufacturers strongly disputed the results and demanded the testing be re-done.

Turns out, the re-test found the original results to be false and the CBC issued a retraction. I found the entire situation – the intent of the story, the failing of the evidence, and the retraction – confusing. Clearly, the CBC wouldn’t have done the story unless they were determined to find something untoward? But why? For what reason would the CBC try to sell Canadians doubt about natural health? Don’t most Canadians understand that natural, preventative health practices and products are of huge benefit to us, individually, and – collectively, in terms of reduction of health care costs?

In 2017, HANS was sharing office space with another natural health nonprofit – Pure North S’Energy.

Every day I witnessed extraordinary extensions of kindness, compassion and love, from the Pure North staff to the patients.

That July two years ago, Pure North S’Energy was strategically attacked by the CBC through radio, television, print and online, based on the allegation that an elderly woman (uninjured) was over-prescribed Vitamin D at a Calgary clinic.

As a result, Pure North S’Energy Foundation lost their provincial funding. The organization, still operating, is now seeking $6 million in damages from the national broadcaster and two of its reporters, Charles Rusnell and Jennie Russell.

Why would our national broadcaster seek to destroy an organization that deserves to be celebrated?

From there, the CBC’s anti-natural health campaign ramped up. Individual chiropractors, naturopaths, homeopaths, and other practitioners, many friends of HANS, were publicly victimized by way of condescending, invalidating, misleading terminology and accusations. The CBC’s approach to natural health indicated something much more sinister than a mere media bias.

Read the full story here.