If the Conservative Establishment in Ottawa spent as much time listening to you about policy as they do squeezing you for money, we’d have already privatized the CBC
If you’re a member of the Conservative Party of Canada you know exactly what I mean. When it comes to taking your money, the party is efficient and persistent. When it comes to taking your advice on policy however, Establishment Conservatives are determined to do their own thing.
Rank-and-file members of our party are against taxpayers owning and funding a state broadcaster – especially one so openly hostile to our values. They want to cut the apron strings (more than $1-billion a year) and let the CBC – allegedly a world-class organization – stand on its own two feet.
Establishment Conservatives in Ottawa think they know better though.They don’t care what you think as long as you keep sending them money.
I understand and share your frustration. That’s why I tabled Bill C-308 in the House of Commons last fall to privatize the CBC despite being pressured by Establishment Conservatives not to “rock the boat.” I did it because I’m not one of them. I’m not an Establishment Conservative.
I work for you, not them.
Unfortunately, the Establishment is winning the battle for votes among Conservative MPs in Ottawa. Two weeks ago, two of these MPs delivered speeches in the House of Commons opposing my bill and praising the CBC. One of these two had even seconded the bill when it was introduced last fall.
Your read the right – a Conservative MP delivered a speech opposing a bill he had seconded while Liberal and NDP MPs watched and laughed at the spectacle. That’s how bad things are in Ottawa.
I say – enough!
Send a message to the Establishment Conservatives in Ottawa. Say no to their pro-CBC agenda by clicking on the link below and signing my petition.
This is your party. It’s time to take it back!
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